Re: Continental Airlines To Start Flying To Haiti This Summer

Gladadou - January 19 2011, 11:05 PM

The reason why we didn't have more competitions between the airlines is because AA is "BIG" all over the world.

AA is NOT the only airlines who increase their fare whenever they want to, they all do it whenever.

Yes, it is very good news for Haiti that Continental will be flying soon. The Haitians will have more choices now. It 's about time we have our own airline but remember, we cannot handle

especially an airline.

We need a LOT of discipline for that and much more. Hopefully in the future, probably another 20 years we might.

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Continental Airlines to start flying to Haiti this summer

The "Haitian Joudalist" just learned that Continental Airlines will start flying to Haiti this summer. This is good news for the Haitians who travel...

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