Michel Martelly is likely to dive right into the next crisis by issuing Decree

Dessalines Jose - April 2 2015, 8:14 AM

What makes a government a good one is the ability to anticipate problems and to take the appropriate decisions to prevent these problem or at least to limit their effect.

In analyzing the performance of the Martelly government during the past four years, many of us can conclude that he does not have that skill which is the ability to anticipate major problem.

I will not start the list because this is something anyone can do.

The Martelly government can be considered as a government of emergency and one constantly in crisis.

Because of their nature, they also follow a policy of Firefighter.

Every time there is a crises that they usually contribute to create, they come out, Mixing "Vites ak Precipitasyon" to solve the problem.

The decision to issue a Decree for Laurent Lamothe and Jean max Bellerive falls in that category.

It is obvious that there need to be a complete investigation on the way these two manage the hurrican funds before they receive dischage.

Michel Martelly is likely to dive once again by creating the next Haiti crisis by issuing Decree

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