The entire debate between Martelly and Manigat - Live in Video
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So far, 22 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about The entire debate between Martelly and Manigat - Live in Video
I think that Michel Martelly was too aggressive in the debate. This is definitely his style. Madame manigat is definitely the candidate that should be the winner. There is only... more »
For anyone with ability to think, Mirlande Manigat was the clear winner. Martelly is good for music. He is a Vagabond more »
Mrs. Manigat represents the old culture and she is not capable of governing the country. Doesn't she think about her age? I also think that Mrs Manigat is suffering from... more »
I think Madame Manigatis the winner cause Mately can not answer any question.He need to go back an learn before he will run for magistra not for president.Peuple Haitian be care... more »
Michel Martelly comes across as a "street man" or an activist and not as politician. If Martelly can not control himself, portraits himself as civilised, how he's going to face... more »
It is quite obvious that Mrs Manigat is a more seasoned politician, and has the temperament needed to lead the country. Martelly on the other hand, although may have good... more »
Martely is the onely one who can change this country viv li pou toutan e non pap rele aba l more »
I think Mirlande Manigat wan the debat.She's very gentil she's calm.Elle a de la maitrise.Pour gouverner un pays vous devez avoir de la maitrise.Mr Marttelly etait agite Je ne... more »
Marie I will like you tell me what is your problem with Martelly.I see you hate this man so much. more »
Cela a ete un grand moment pour que le peuple haitien et le monde puissent connaitre un peu plus les deux derniers candidats qui disputent pour la premiere magistrature du pays... more »
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