Tande, 55% nan elev an Ayiti bwe alkol, 23% pran dwog
Elèv lekòl an Ayiti yo dekouvri ke dwòg se solisyon an pou anpil nan pwoblèm yo epi yo de pli zan pli repoze sou li. Dapre yon etid ki te fèt nan 2014, yon majorite nan timoun lekòl ap itilize dwòg. Etid la te jwenn ke 55 pousan nan yo bwè alkòl regilyèman, pandan ke 23 pousan nan dwòg lou. Komisyon nasyonal kont dwòg (CONALD) dènyèman te kòmanse yon kanpay sansibilizasyon kont konsomasyon dwòg nan mitan timoun lekòl an Ayiti. Kanpay sa finanse sitou pa gouvènman ayisyen an ki gen kòm objektif pou angaje nan yon seri aktivite kiltirèl ak espò pou yo pote mesaj lan dirèkteman ba yo
Jovenel Moise, Mwen pa gen okenn pist nan jaden Bannann, pa anko
PHTK kandida Jovenel Moise pa t 'vle popilasyon ayisyen an dwe kite avèk enpresyon a ke li te kiltivasyon plis ke bannann. Li te finalman bay yon repons bay akizasyon an ki sot pase nan Ansyen Prezidan nan Sena Simon Dieuseul Desras ki te akize li ap lè l sèvi avèk bannann plantasyon an Nord-Est la pou trafik kokayin. Jovenel rejte akizasyon an, ki di ke li se pa yon konsesyonè dwòg. Li te ale sou yo di ke ak volim li nan pwodiksyon, yon avyon se aktyèlman nesesè men li pa te konsidere kòm nan moman sa a akòz mank de resous yo.
Major Jamaican gun-for-drug smuggler killed in Haiti
Jamaican officials reported that a major Jamaican suspect in a guns-for-drugs smuggling network between Haiti and Jamaica has been was killed last Friday in a confrontation with Haitian Police. The actual name of the suspect is unknown; he only goes by the alias name of "Mention".
The beautiful Haitian island of Ile-a-Vache is not only reputable for its beauty and touristic opportunities. It appears that the island is also known for its guns-for-drugs trade, also called guns-for-ganja trade. Ile-a-Vache has been identified by Jamaican police as a key location for guns-for-drugs trade operates between Jamaica and Haiti also known as guns-for-ganja trade.
Fabio Lobo, Son of Former President of Honduras Arrested In Haiti
On May 20, 2015, Fabio Lobo (43) the son of the former Honduran president Porfirio Lobo has been arrested by the Haitian and US authorities on charges of drug trafficking. He was arrested in an anti-drug operation carried out by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and Haitian authorities and taken to New York to appear before a judge. In a television interview, his father has said that he is not sure of his son's innocence.
Fabio is not a child. He is a man with a family and must answer for his actions. Porfirio Lobo served as the Honduras' president between 2010 and 2014 following a coup that removed Manuel Zelaya from the presidency in 2009. Honduras is one of the most dangerous countries in the world as per UN report with a murder rate of 68 people per 100,000.
Haitian drug trafficker Beaudouin Jacques' Ketant to be released
Drug Trafficker gets Sentence Reduction for aiding in prosecution of Haitian Government Officials
In a Miami court, a federal judge has agreed to the sentence reduction of Haitian drug trafficker, Beaudouin Jacques Ketant, from 27 to 13 years. The reduction will allow Ketant to be released soon. The sentence reduction was approved because the U.S. Attorney's Office reported Ketant assisted them in prosecuting Haitian government officials, involved one way or another in the drug trade.
Ketant went so far as to implicate former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide as operating as a drug lord. Ketant alleged Aristide managed the transporting of cocaine shipments along the drug corridor of Haiti. As a result of the frame-up Artistide was ousted by militant rebels. The U.S. ushered him out of the country on a government jet.
Haiti among major illicit drug-producing or drug-transit countries
United States President, Barack Obama, is mandated by the tenets of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act (FRAA) to furnish Congress with a list of those countries he believes are major players in the production of illicit drugs or the transit of drugs each year. This so-called "Blacklist" informs Congress of those countries which could pose a significant threat to the fight against drugs in the United States.
Making the list this year are 22 countries. Alphabetically, they are: Afghanistan, the Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Burma, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Of the list, three countries were described as having "failed demonstrably", Bolivia, Burma, and Venezuela.
Haiti's inclusion on this list of 22 but not on the short list of three, though of concern, shows that the country is one of those which shows a level of cooperation with the U.S. where counter efforts to combat the trade of illegal drugs and narcotics is concerned. The list, it is said, does not reflect this factor, but rather, can show a country's commercial, geographic, and economic factors that permit the development of a sizeable drug trade, from production through to trafficking. Only when a country does not carry out its responsibilities under the agreements and conventions of international counternarcotics does it fail demonstrably and expose itself to sanctions and a damaged status with the U.S.
Teens in rural Haiti rich in family relationship, culture
I guess growing up without a computer, internet, Iphone, Ipod, or you name it, actually has some value. A recent study has found that most Haitian teenagers, specially those living in the country side are very rich individuals, compared to the rich kids im more developed countries such as US, Canada, France, etc..
Sa se pa pou Ti Moun mal Apri nan Potoprins. Se ti "Payisan"
Now I know you are going to jump on me for saying something like this.
Here is what the University of Illinois study found:
1) Haitian kids are very rich in Family relationships. They have a strong sense of family obligation.
Drug Trafficking business And National Police In Haiti
Drug trafficking is a serious issue in Haiti as the country has been a transit point for drug dealers and smugglers. Drug shipments from South America to the United States, Europe, Canada and Caribbean nations usually pass through Haiti and this is why the police force are always on alert. According to reports, drug shipments are made by both sea and air. Even though local production of marijuana is moderate in the country, drug trafficking remains a serious case.
The national police are exerting efforts to clamp down on drug trafficking. Director General Mario Andresol said that since the devastating earthquake in 2010, crimes in Haiti, including drug shipments, are on the rise. He added that the national police are planning to increase their number from 10,000 to 15,000 in three years.
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