Jean-Claude Duvalier has been taken to Canape Vert Hospital in Haiti
According to Reuters news, the former Haitian president is being treated in a private Hospital after falling ill. His attorney, Reynold George said that Duvalier will stay in the Hospital to get some rest.
To complicate his situation, on wednesday, Haitian Justice issued a House Arrest order, preventing Baby Doc Jean-Claude Duvalier from leaving his residence.
On Wednesday, the Haitian justice issued a "house arrest order" against Duvalier,
Jean-Claude Duvalier returned to Haiti on January 16, 2011. He returned after more than 25 years in exile in France. "I came to help my country" Jean-Claude said at the airport on January 16, 2011.
Jean-Claude Duvalier was born on July 3, 1951.
Stay connected with us. The "Haitian Joudalist" will keep you updated on the health status of former Haitian president Jean-Claude Duvalier.
What is going on with the president?
How is the health of the former Haitian president?
Is the "house arrest order" really necessary at this point?
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Read more: jean claude duvalier, Duvalier Health, Hospital, Reynold Georges, Canape Vert, duvalier
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All Comments (7)
jeanclaude ap sentyl ok apre jeanbertrand fin fai ti souse pouli.
The former Haitian dictator Baby Duc Duvalier has health issue that requires him to go to the hospital on an emergency basis.
What is the real problem with Jena-Claude Duvalier.
Is he really sick
Is he going to die
Is this the main reason why he went back to
Please bay presiden Janclaude D chance li apre vinsin
aaan li fe deyor tanpri bal repol kitel
I hope he is not puling the same stupid shit that rat-per wyclef jean has
I heard that someone came to the Hospital where former President Jean-Claude Duvalier was receiving care to serve him some legal paper.
That is wrong.
If the guy is in the Hospital, any judicial process should wait. The guy is in his country and not going
How is President Jean-Claude Duvalier doing.
When will he go back to his home?
Will he be able to receive adequate care in
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