Moise Jean Charles demands to stop all meetings with Michel Martelly
According to Senator Moise Jean Charles President Michel Martelly is scheduled to take the stage at the United Nation (UN) this coming week and he wants to use these meetings to show the international community during his speech that democracy is moving forward and that he's talking to everyone in the country. According to the Senator of North, the President is not really serious and doesn't have any real plan to continue with these meetings, pass his UN presentation
Pawol Pale, Pawol Komprann...
Senatè Moise Jean Charles lagge yon bom nan emisyon Ramasse jodi vin Septam na emisyon ranmasse. Li fè komprann ke opozisyon-an dwe pou yo sispan tout diskisyon avel Prezidan Michel Martelly.
Moise Jean Charles di ke Prezidan Martelly gin pou pran La Pawol nan LONI nan semen sa minm, et li vle itilize reinyon avek opozisyon-a pou li di Le Mond ke li ape negosye avek oposisyon na payi-a. Cepandan, Prezidan-an pa serye pou li negosye avek okinn opozisyon.
Read more: michel martelly, Moise Jean Charles, Ranmasse, Ranmase, Newsletter Articles, Politics
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