Pepe Bayard, Haitian accordionist
He is thus a well-remembered musician who all love and cherish. Pepe Bayard engaged in other activities such as the charity activities where he got to establish the Pepe Bayard Foundation (PBF) which is a non-profit Gift Recipient charity dedicated to bringing innovations in learning to underprivileged Haitian communities with the goal of building healthy communities and reducing illiteracy.
As he has frequently advocated in his songs education is the key and he strived to ensure that there is enough resources to ensure all the children in his locality and in Haiti went to school and that there was enough to facilitate this. The foundation of Pepe Bayard is aimed at helping and enabling the young youth's access education of various kinds such as that on music such that they are able to gather and gain enough knowledge on how to make it in life through the use of their talents.
It is a form of a music and talent school where nurturing of these talents takes place and there are facilitations of the necessary resources required to make this dream come true. It is thus one of the best things left for the legacy of the elite musician who will be forever remembered for his achievements.
Read more: Haitian Music, Music, musician, Pepe Bayard, accordion, Foundation Pepe Bayard, Music
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