Obtaining a Divorce in Haiti
The procedure for obtaining a bilateral divorce in the country of Haiti includes a personal appearance in court with the submission of certain documents including, a letter of information, an original or copy of the marriage certificate or an affidavit that has been notarized, identification, a copy of an agreement of separation (this is not mandatory) and the defendant's waiver, submission to jurisdiction and power of attorney. For a unilateral divorce, all documents but the defendant's waiver is necessary. The defendant will be notified by the judge of the action for divorce and will have 12 days to respond, 20 if they live outside of the western hemisphere.
With these ticked off the divorce checklist, Haiti can grant a divorce within 24 hours of the court appearance for $50 USD. The divorcees are issued copies of the divorce decree. While Americans still travel to Haiti for quickie divorces, the custom isn't as popular or necessary as it once was in the 1970's and 80's. This is because some states have made the process of divorce much more accessible and easy. Some states also do not recognize the validity of Haitian divorces, so hopefuls are advised to consult a local lawyer before booking passage to Haiti.
Read more: Divorce, Relationship, Relationship
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All Comments (3)
So I want to get a divorce in Haiti and suppose if my x husband don't appear what will happen will I still be grant my divorce papers my email is
I am a us citizen but have not resided in usa for over 15 years.
I was married in Venezuela and the wife is now a us citizen living in Texas usa.
We have been totally separated for more than 13 years.
I have one 15 yr old son.
I am a permanent traveller currently living in the Philippines.
I have legal residence in Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
I am seeking a unilateral divorce.
Will this be recognized in Texas?
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