This is dedicated to Haiti Politic, the Haitian Government, the political parties, election and much more
Moise Jean Charles demands to stop all meetings with Michel Martelly
Breaking news. Senator Moise Jean Charles made the news this Saturday on Ranmasse. He publicly demands that all meetings with President Michel Martelly should stop. Any scheduled meeting by the opposition with the president should be cancelled because they are for the international consumption.
According to Senator Moise Jean Charles President Michel Martelly is scheduled to take the stage at the United Nation (UN) this coming week and he wants to use these meetings to show the international community during his speech that democracy is moving forward and that he's talking to everyone in the country. According to the Senator of North, the President is not really serious and doesn't have any real plan to continue with these meetings, pass his UN presentation
Judge Lamarre Belizaire issued arrest warrant against Joel Edward "Pasha" Vorbe
Judge Lamarre Belizaire is at it again. This time he is targeting another high level member of the Lavalas regim. The judge issued on Tuesday an arrest warrant against businessman Joel Edward "Pasha" Vorbe for ignoring his summon to appear in front of him. The Haitian businessman was to appear in front of judge Lamarre Belizaire today(9/16/14) to answer questions related to the investigation on money laundering and criminal conspiracy. Businessman Joel Edward "Pasha" Vorbe neither called or showed up.
According to HCNN, Judge Lamarre Belizaire has issued an arrest warrant against Joel Edward "Pasha" Vorbe as a consequence.
Jean-Bertrand Aristide receives visitors despite judge's order requiring Pre-approval
A group of opposition leaders and Haitian senators will be visiting former President Jean Bertrand Aristide today (September 16, 2014) at his home in Tabarre. This would be in violation to the order from Judge Lamarre Belizaire who ordered the former President to remain in House arrest. Under the order, no one can visit Jean Bertrand Aristide unless they receive explicit approval from the Judge.
So today will be a determining day in Haiti. It will actually either reinforce the authorities of Judge Lamarre Belizaire or he will be considered as a joke.
Jean Bertrand Aristide in House Arrest, Who will have the last laugh
Former Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide is under the control of Haitian government. He has been put on House Arrest for failing to appear at a court hearing recently. So far, to the surprise of many in the population, there has not been any problem.
Jean Bertrand Aristide, the one many thought was untouchable, is actually in Jail.
What happened? Has Aristide lost his capacity to rally the mass? Has his popularity been eroded?
In the meantime, it seems that the Government of Michel Martelly has been gaining ground with he opposition. Suddenly, critic of the government is willing to negotiate with Martelly. Former First Lady Mirlande Manigat would not mind seating with the President to iron out their differences. Moise Jean Charles, although still not willing to meet the President, stated that he will abide by any agreement made with his group, as long as it is with respect of the law.
Nou Tande!, Laurent Lamorthe Pa kapab Mete point pye li nan Sena
Eske nou konnin ke Premye Minis Ayisyen-a, Laurent Lamothe, pa kapab mete print pye li nan Sena Ayisyen-an. Ah! Dapre sa ke mwin konnin, tout gro neg ke premye minis Laurent Lamorth ape fe__-a li konnin ke li pa kapab ale nan Senat pou li pa kite plim.
Ki sa li ye?
Ebyen, neg yo nan Sena-a di, depi Premye Minis Laurent Lamothe vini nan Sena-a, yo ape transfome li nan yon "Interpelasyion" et pi yo tou profite pou yo bali yon "Vot Non Konfyans", pou yo mete li Atè.
Neg yo reproche Premye Minis la pou anpil bagay. Yonn, yo di ke yo voye releminis Lamothe plizyer fwa, li pa janm vini. De, li change plisyer minis nan cabinet li, san Sena-a pa bay dison li sou yo.
Senators of G6 Opposition pull the break on meeting with Michel Martelly
Not so fast man, that is the reaction of the 6 Senators in opposition who were supposed to meet with President Michel Martelly at the National Palace today. They were supposed to meet meeting this Monday, 01 September 2014, at 11am to find ways to iron their differences.
I can picture this already: Michel Martelly coming out of the meeting with Senator Moise Jean Charles, hugging each other. Don't keep your hope, this will never happen
No meeting with President Michel martelly will take place until the Senators meet with the real political parties in opposition. This meeting is scheduled to take place on September 2nd.
Dr. Maryse Narcisse candidate for Fanmi lavalas Party, is this a test?
The Coordinator Of Fanmi Lavalas, Dr. Maryse Narcisse,has been nominated to become the Fanmi Lavalas candidate for the next presidential election in Haiti. Some see it as a normal progression since she has been a long time party loyalist and a close friend of Jean Bertrand Aristide. However, many people think this nomination is no other than a test being conducted by the Fanmi Lavalas to collect some reactions before the ultimate decision is taken.
Here is something that would make one pose and think for a moment!
According to some theories being circulated, the Lavalas party is well aware of the limitation of Dr. Maryse Narcisse. Although she has been a loyal member of the party and even more important, the closest confident of former President Jean Bertrand Aristide, at least in public, she lacks certain skills necessary to bring the Lavalas party together to win the next presidential election.
The National Unity Party, Duvalier Political party to run in next Election
The National Union party, founded under the dictatorship of Francois 'Papa Doc' Duvalier, is set to potentially take part in the next elections in Haiti. Papa Doc presided over a tough regime that allegedly crushed political opposition and dissent through the private militia force - the Tonton Macoutes. He passed away in 1971 and was succeeded by his son Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier who, at 19, became the youngest leader in the world at the time.
Baby Doc proceeded to rule Haiti as 'president for life' until ousted by a political coup in 1986. His lawyers have continued to refute allegations of human rights abuses and embezzlement allegedly committed during his period of rule. Despite this dark cloud of allegations, and much to the dismay of human rights campaigners, Baby Doc is free to roam. Since his surprise return in 2011, he has been spotted in restaurants, socialising with associates and is even occasionally met by groups of applauding supporters waving the red and black flag of the National Union party.
Lesly Saint-Roc Francois Manigat passed away at the age of 84
We just learned the sad news. Professor Lesly Saint-Roc François Manigat who has been sick for a long time finally left us. According to his wife Mirlande Manigat, he passed away this morning (June 27, 2014) in his sleep at his home.
Born on August 16, 1930 in Port-au-Prince, Leslie François Manigat was Director of Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the 1950s.
In 1963, Mr Manigat was imprisoned two months under the reign of Francois Duvalier. Upon his release, he went into exile in France, then the United States and Venezuela.
Martelly Forms Parti Haitien Tet Kale on Third Anniversary in Office
On May 14, 2014, President Martelly completed three years of his first term in office, commemorating the occasion by announcing formation of his political party, Parti Haitien Tet Kale (PHTK). The establishment of PHTK took place at Champs de Mars Gymnasium, located in Cap-Haitien.
Martelly spoke before his cabinet and a large crowd of supporters from Nord Department. He emphasized the government of Haiti (GOH) is dedicated to improving the population's lives, and is now organizing for fair and free elections. Elections had been delayed, but with the signing of the anti-corruption bill, and U.S. Congress's certification the GOH is demonstrating democratic principles, the U.S. will fund the elections.
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