Senate Moise Jean-Charles ape Depoze en France - Video
Senator Moise Jean-Charles received lots of critics for his ability to express himself in French.
Senator Moise Jean-Charles is definitely a controversial figure in Haitian politic. He has been defending the mass and is in total opposition to the government of Michel Martelly whom he accused for corruption and drug dealing.
When it comes to Moise Jean-Charles, you are either for or against him. If you are for him you likely love his message. On the other hand, if you don't agree with him, you likely have very strong feeling against his person.
During the conversation, Senator Moise Jean-Charles addressed several important points. If you take the time to watch the video, you will likely focus on the way the message was delivered and not the dept of his statement.
Some people called the conversation a "Massacre de la langue de Molière"
He has been called an ignorant. Some promised to give him French Grammar classed, free of charges. Other had suggested that he should have conducted the conversation in Créole
The Pro Moise Jean Charles were not quiet either. The following statement were recorded from them:
- le plus important, c'est plutôt les messages qu il est en train de véhiculés
- Moise Jean-Charles veut nous faire comprendre la réalité de notre pays
- Si se yon blan ki tap pale franse kochu li tap OK pou ou
- Lanj franse se pa lanj li
Where do you stand?
Read more: Moise Jean Charles, Elite Class, Creole, Moise Jean-Charles, French, Haitian Creole, People
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All Comments (2)
Not even have a high school diploma but they know everywhere in the coutry to get fake document to present to the KEP moise jn charles menm kreyol la non li paka pale se li ki te konseye politik
Can anyone tell me about his education level?
He is just disturbing the people, disturbing the
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