Seven CEP Members swear to implement provisions of electoral law
Me. Néhémy Joseph is still waiting for response to a correspondence sent to the President of the Senate, Dieuseul Simon Desras. As to Léopold Berlanger, he explained in a letter addressed to the President of the Court of Cassation is reasons for his absence.
Senate representative was absent, still without response to the correspondence sent to the President of the Senate, Dieuseul Simon Desras, which must confirm him his position
Léopold Berlanger, Representative of the Superior Council of Judicial Power (CSPJ) in solidarity with Me. Néhémy Joseph and respectful of the Constitution, who explained in a letter addressed to the President of the Court of Cassation the reason for his absence.
Here is a complete list of the CEP members who were sworn on Friday, May 9, 2014:
Marie Clunie Dumay Miracles
Pierre Simon Georges
Applys Félix
Marie Carole Innocent Floreal Duclervil
Gloria Margarette Girault Saint-Louis
Jacqueline Patricia Chantale Raymond
Frizto Canton
Read more: cep, Nehemy Joseph, CTCEP, Leopold Berlanger, Newsletter Articles, Election
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All Comments (2)
the issue is we are still waiting for the electoral law.
belanger is far to be a lavalas
2 neg sa yo ta dwe bay demision pou yo ta ranplase yo paske neg sa yo se afe lavalas yap regle.
Mouin panse peyi a te gen moun kap defann li 2 neg sa yo pap defann lpeyi a se bagay fanmi lavalas entere meskin pa gen patriyot
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