Joseph Michel Francois, Haitian army Colonel, Chief of National Police
The skills he acquired there would serve him well as part of the oppressive government, which ruled for over three years under Raoul Cédras. During this time, Michel Francois headed up the secret police and oversaw, or facilitated, many human rights violations, murders and other heinous, counter-judiciary acts.
It is said that over 4,000 Haitians were killed under their rule, and intimidation through violence, which included rape, was practiced as a method of suppressing the populace. The April 1994 massacre in Raboteau is only one of many atrocities directly linked to Michel Francois.
In September of 1994, when the United States army returned Aristide to power, many within the faux-government fled the country for fear of prosecution. François escaped to nearby Dominican Republic. He was convicted back in Haiti of the murder of an Aristide supporter, but an extradition request was not made.
The Dominican Republic tried purging him in 1996 after catching wind of plots for another coup, but François escaped capture yet again and fled, this time to Honduras. There, he was convicted and imprisoned for a murder and subsequently indicted by the U.S. as a drug smuggler. As his luck would have it, Honduras denied the United State's request for extradition and released François back into society in July of 1997.
Read more: duvalier, Military, Michel Francois, Raboteau, Tonton Macoute, Secret Service, Raboteau Massacre, Raoul Cedras, Colonel, Army, People
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All Comments (1)
Francoise an international disgrace to Haiti a plague blood on hiz hands he is unsafe and will be crossed off the earth citizan
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