Evince Larrieux - Haiti Observer Blog

Evince Larrieux, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Evince Larrieux


The trial of the Century In Haiti, Clifford Brandt and his accomplices

Clifford Brandt, businessman and entrepreneur, is being brought to justice as the lead defendant of accomplices involved in an abduction network. The network has been targeting victims of kidnapping for many years.

The Central Directorate of the Judicial Police arrested him back in October 2012, after he abducted two youths. The kidnapping laid bare a network of abductors participating in abductions going back several years. Brandt, along with 12 of his co-conspirators will be tried in a criminal court proceeding before a judge.

Judge Me Gabrielle Dominique filed an ordinance specifying charges against 19 defendants including Brandt. Brandt is being indicted on charges of kidnapping, sequestration of people against ransom, criminal conspiracy, false death threats, possession of illegal firearms, and money laundering.

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Haitian Government knew who had kidnapped Moscoso children but did not intervene

The National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH) has made public some very interesting information about Clifford Brandt and his kidnapping Network. This is something that may be shocking to many; however, the report indicated that the current Haitian government had some pretty good information about who had kidnapped Nicolas Moscoso and Coralie Moscoso, they ad decided not to be involved.

Are you serious?

What is the purpose for electing a president of a country?

"Papa Desalyn, Nou Mélé"

The RNDDH reported that it was not until the U.S. government got involved that the Haitian authorities decided to act. Luckily, The Moscoso family had contacted about the kidnapping

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