Institutional dialogue between Parliament and Executive

24-Hour Countdown to Agreement to End Feuding between Executive and Legislative Branches


The Haitian government has been trying to resolve its internecine conflicts and the pressure is on to sign a political agreement within the next 24 hours. Bishop Aris verified that Phase II of the Inter-Haitian dialogue had begun, and the participants had 24 hours to come to an agreement that would restore stability to the government.

Senator Desras does not feel Parliament has been given enough say-so during the proceedings. He says that even though Parliament is a primary player in Phase II, it was not given a big enough role during Phase I, as it ". . . should have been mentioned as a witness." Desras also says it is best the political agreement be signed once all conflicts have been resolved with the Executive Branch. He anticipates President Martelly will be one of the signatories to the agreement. He adds the signature of President Martelly is just a formality, although an important one, that it ". . . is not his signature but its implementation . . ."

Desras met with the Presidents of the Senate of Standing Committees before Phase II discussions began to prepare talking points for Phase II. At his invitation several political parties attended. Some of them included Fusion, OPL, KID, Fanmi Lavalas, Kontrapepla, and MOPOD.

Desras is concerned about the balance of power between the Executive Branch and Parliament and that the agreement not be weighted in favor of Presidential privilege.

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