Saint-Jean-du-Sud, Strong Farming Community
Farming is one of the primary income-generators of the small village of Saint-Jean-du-Sud, with bananas and pineapples producing the largest crop-yields. The farming community is close-knit, sharing resources among themselves to derive higher incomes. Another source of income for the village is fishing and the operation of fish hatcheries.
Like nearly all small villages across Haiti, Saint-Jean-du-Sud has a poor road-transit system. Roads are unpaved, nearly impassable except with four-wheel drives and rutted, with potholes adding to the deterioration of them. No road-construction projects have been planned so far, and the villagers struggle to get around the area.
Saint-Jean-du-Sud is, not surprisingly, a Christian community, and the Roman Catholic Church plays a prominent role in administering to the spiritual needs of its parishioners. A small colony of Voodoo practitioners co-exists comfortably alongside the Christian populace, having adopted some of that religion's rites of worship. Voodoo had been a controversial practice for many decades in Haiti, but after a lot of legal wrangling about the Haiti Constitution's view on it, was found to be an acceptable form of faith. Voodoo became officially recognized in 2003.
Read more: town, Agriculture, Farming, Bel-Air, Saint-Jean-du-Sud, Debouchette, Tapion, Trichet, Coteaux, Laferme, Durant, Petite Riviere, City
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