Port-Salut Needs more Development as Tourist Destination
Although Port-Salut is considered one of the most appealing places on Haiti's tourist map to visit, it has not been developed enough to encourage more tourist dollars to be spent there. The World Tourist Development has largely ignored the potential of Port-Salut to offer more than just its sliver-sand beaches, which can be found anywhere on the island. Rather for eco-tourists to discover the rich variety of its flora- and fauna-proliferated terrain is where the town needs to head in having its unique ecology promoted. The Haitian Diaspora is starting to recognize possibly the most appealing tourist destination in the South Department. Port-Salut's cleanliness and its warm-hearted people residing there add to its attraction.
Haiti's Minister of Tourism, Stéphanie Villedrouin, a one-woman whirlwind of unceasing activity in promoting Haiti as a world-class tourist destination, has been working diligently to open up the island to more tourism. She has applied her talents and skills in developing the hospitality industry, and hailing improvements in the infrastructure to make available areas of Haiti that have been inaccessible so far.
Now that the Diaspora has been awakened to the possibilities of Port-Salut's potential as a tourist magnet, it remains only a matter of time when the government will open its pocketbook, so Port-Salut can increase its tourism.
Read more: Jean Bertrand Aristide, tourism, Port-Salut, Beaches, Jean Marie Cherestal, Haiti
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