Role, Term of Haitian Presidents from Haiti Independence to 2013

The Haitian government is led by a president, who shares his/her executive power with the prime minister. Once elected by popular vote, the president will run the country for five years. After the term, the president could not run in the next election. He/she has to wait for five years in order to seek a second term. Haiti presidents can only serve for a maximum of two terms.


Not everyone can run for president as there are certain qualifications and requirements to be eligible for the seat. Only candidates with Haitian citizenship by birth can run for the position, as well as those who are at least 35 years of age. Jail sentence, loss of civil rights and lack of property ownership and residency can make a candidate ineligible to assume the position.

The president holds a set of duties and responsibilities. Not only he/she must ensure and protect the interest and wellbeing of the country and its citizens, a president must also follow the mandates of the Constitution. The president's basic duties include the strict enforcement of the Constitution and the supervision and regulation of public officials. The country's independence must be sustained as well.

The current president of Haiti is Michel Martelly, who won the elections in 2011. The country's first president, meanwhile, was Toussaint Louvertre, the leader of the Haitian revolution from 1791 to 1802. Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Henri Christophe were the next two presidents. Jean-Bertrand, Boniface Alexandre and Rene Preval, on the other hand, were the last three presidents prior to Martelly.

The following is a list of Haitian Presidents from independence to present, including period in office, race and how they left office.

Jean Jacques Dessalines, 1804-06 Black 2 assassinated

Henri Christophe, 1807-20 Black 13 suicide

Alexander Petion, 1807-18 Light 11 died in office

Jean Pierre Boyer, 1818-43 Light 25 overthrown

Charles Rivière-Hérard, 1843-44 Light 1 Overthrown

Philippe Guerrier, 1844-45 Black 1 died in office

Jean Louis Pierrot, 1845-46 Black 1 overthrown

Jean Baptiste Riche, 1847-47 Black 1 died in office

Faustin Soulouque, 1847-59 Black 12 overthrown

Fabre Nicholas Geffrard, 1959-67 Dark 8 overthrown

Sylvain Salnave, 1867-69 Dark 2 executed

Nissage Saget 1870-74 Light 4 full term

Michel Domingue, 1874-76 Dark 2 overthrown

Boisrond Canal 1876-79 Light 3 overthrown

Lysius Felicite Salomon, 1879-88 Black 9 overthrown

Francois Legitime, 888-89 Black 2 overthrown

Florvil Hyppolite, 1889-96 Black 7 died in office

Tiresias Simon Sam, 1896-02 Black 6 full term

Nord Alexis 1902-08 Black 6 overthrown

Antoine Simon, 1908-11 Black 3 overthrown

Cincinnatus Leconte, 1911-12 Dark 1 died in office

Tancrede Auguste, 1912-13 Light 1 died in office

Michel Oreste, 1913-14 Dark 9 months overthrown

Oreste Zamor, 1914 Dark 1 overthrown

Davilmar Theodore, 1914-15 Black 1 overthrown

Vilbrun Sam, 1915 Black 5 months assassinated

Sudre Dartiguenave, 1915-22 Light 7 full term (During 1st US Occupation)

Louis Borno, 1922-30 Light 8 full term (During 1st US Occupation)

Eugene Roy, 1930 Dark 1 full term (During 1st US Occupation)

Stenio Vincent, 1930-41 Light 11 full term (During 1st US Occupation until 1934)

Elie Lescot, 1941-46 Dark 5 overthrown

Dumarsais Estime, 1946-50 Black 4 overthrown

Paul Magloire, 1950-56 Black 6 overthrown (1957--5 transitory gov.)

Daniel Fignole, 1957 Black 1 month overthrown (1957--5 transitory gov.)

Francois Duvalier, 1957-71 Black 14 died in office

Jean-Claude Duvalier, 1971-86 Dark 15 overthrown

Henri Namphy, 1986-87 Black 1 full term

Leslie Manigat, 1988 Light 1 overthrown

Henri Namphy, 1988-89 Black 1 overthrown

Prosper Avril, 1989-90 Black 1 overthrown

Ertha Pascal-Trouillot, 1990-91 Light 1 full term

Jean-Bertrand Aristide, 1991 Black 1 overthrown; in exile 3 of 5 year term.

Rene Preval, 1996 Black - He served from February 7, 1996, to February 7, 2001, and from May 14, 2006, to May 14, 2011

Michel Martelly - May 14, 2011

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Read more: rene preval, michel martelly, president, Haiti Government, jean claude duvalier, Jean Bertrand Aristide, Government, Francois Duvalier, Haitian President, Stenio Vincent, Henri Namphy, Paul Magloire, Ertha Pascal-Trouillot, Prosper Avril, Daniel Fignole, Elie Lescot, Henri Christophe, Leslie Manigat, Michel Oreste, Oreste Zamor, Vilbrun Guillaume Sam, Dumarsais Estime, Joseph Davilmar Theodore, Philippe Sudre Dartiguenave, Tiresias Simon Sam, Florvil Hyppolite, Francois Antoine Simon, Cincinnatus Leconte, Jean Jacques Dessalines, Fabre Geffrard, Guillaume Fabre Nocolas Geffrard, Alexandre Petion, King Henri Christophe, Faustin II, Government Tips, Charles Riviere-Herard, Michel Domingue, Lysius Salomon, Pierre Theoma Boisrond-Canal, Jean Pierre Boyer, Philippe Guerrier, Jean Louis Pierrot, Jean Baptiste Riche, Faustin Soulouque, Sylvain Salnave, Nissage Saget, Francois Legitime, Nord Alexis, Tancrede Auguste, Louis Borno, Eugene Roy, Previous Government

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