New York Attorney General Uncovers Fraud in Wyclef Jean's Yele Foundation
Wyclef Jean's celebrity allowed his foundation to collect nearly $2 million from international donors within a short time-period post-quake. But after some Haitian businesses filed their own lawsuits against Yele for defaulting on debt payments to them, an auditing firm examined the foundation's books and uncovered an embezzlement scheme. Yele had been funneling money to Jean, his business contacts, and family members from $16 million in foundation funds accrued over several years. It was also discovered by the Attorney General of New York Yele had not paid income taxes for a number of years. In response Yele liquidated its assets and hid them.
Wyclef Jean denies culpability by either himself or Yele. He asserts financial mis-management happened through lack of knowledge about certain accounting procedures. And then he asks rhetorically, "Have we made mistakes before? Yes." But he insists he never personally benefited from Yele's stores. Above reproach, he invokes his father's advice to "speak with a clear conscience and the world will know". Taken at face-value the advice has no merit. Only the evidence in court will reveal if Jean has spoken honestly.
Read more: wyclef jean, fraud, New York, Foundation, Yele Haiti, Management, Security Crime Law and Order
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