Yanick Mézile - Haiti Observer Blog
Yanick Mezile, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Yanick Mezile
Haitian Women asking for Representation, an Anti-democratic move
Before I go on, I want to make this clear: Yes, many women in the Haitian society have been raised with an inferiority complex as to men. Unfortunately, it was thought to them by their parents who did not know any better. Many Haitian women have been raised to believe that the man is God, unable to do anything wrong. They were also thought to accept almost anything from the man.
This time is long gone and thanks to the improvement in technology and communication, every single woman in any corner of the world knows better now. Economic issues or not; with consideration for children, family, society or not, they have learned that their self worth is more important.
The 30 percent Quota for Women in Office Proposal Outrages Men
New elections in Haiti mean rewriting the electoral law. The body that does this task is the Transitional College of the Permanent Electoral Council. Its job is also to review proposals submitted by different segments of Haitian society: the Diaspora, political factions, citizen and women's organizations.
One of the proposals submitted is for enforcement of the 30% quota amendment written into the amended 1987 Constitution. This means at least one-third of women must fill positions within the government of Haiti.
Ministers of Women's Issues, Yanick Mézile, and President of the Commission on Women's Rights, Jossie Etienne, are authors of the proposal. Some signatories for the proposal include Fanm Yo La, Women for Democracy, and SOFA.
The ministerial cabinet of the government Laurent Lamothe
The new Ministerial cabined for Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe is out and we have the names. Many of the same individuals were kept in their positions. Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe presented his general policy before the Haitian Senators and it was approved before midnight on May 8, 2012
The ministerial cabinet of the government Martelly-Lamothe is composed of 16 Ministers. Here they are:
Ronsard St-Cyr, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor
Thomas Jacques, Minister of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs - Laurent Lamothe
Kredi Woz Pou Fanm Lakay Micro-loan micro-finance program
Haitian prime minister has recently officially launched the Haitian "Kredi Woz Pou Fanm Lakay" program. This is a program that translates to Pink Credit for Local Women which is meant to provide small loans for women with small enterprises. His Excellency Mr. Laurent Salvador Lamothe, accompanied by the Minister for Women's Affairs and Women's Rights (MCFDF), Ms. Yanick Mézile traveled to Hinche in the central plateau where they officially opened the program.
Haiti has been a country that has undergone a great deal of hardships over the last couple of decades. These have mainly been problems revolving around the leadership of the country where some of the past leaders have taken their power for granted using it for their own personal gain rather than using it for the welfare of the country. This is not to mention the kind of tragedy the recent 2010 earthquake left in the country.
Official cabinet composition of Prime Minister Garry Conille
The composition of the new team is out. Prime Minister Garry Conille has formed his ministerial cabinet and guess what, the "Haitian Joudalist" has the list.
The official list is as follows:
Garry Conille, Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and External Cooperation
Me Thierry Mayard Paul, Minister of the Interior, local authorities and national
Lemercier Georges André, Minister of Economy and Finance
Micro-Lending Program a First for Businesswomen in Haiti
In the Central Plateau town of Hinche, Prime Minister (PM) Laurent Lamothe and Minister Yanick Mézile of Women's Affairs and Rights (WAR) implemented the micro-lending program, Pink Credit for Local Women (PCLW), which will disburse modest loans to small businesswomen in rural regions of Haiti.
Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe listed the objectives of the micro-lending program: empower women economically, erase the stigma of poverty assigned them, and offer encouragement their lives can be improved.
Government of Haiti (GOH) President Martelly, an advocate of small businesswomen, has spoken out about the effects of micro-lending on struggling, rural female-owned businesses. He emphasizes the financial support given by the micro-lending program will allay many fears women experience in providing for themselves and their families.
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