Tips For Reporters Covering Election Night
First and foremost, you have to be knowledgeable about what you report. This means that you should know what has been happening since the election campaign and not just the election night itself. Reporting about who's winning and who needs to catch up isn't enough. You also have to interpret the incoming results, what do they mean and how they can affect the candidates. You should help the audience understand where the election is going.
Staying professional and separating your emotions from the job are essential. Whether you are covering a losing or a winning candidate, your voice and face must remain neutral. Do not let yourself be affected by the victory party or the disappointment surrounding you.
Once the election is through and the winner is determined, try to get a scoop. Instead of asking the winning party how they feel about the result, it is better to find out their next plans. This way, you can have the latest news that really matter. This would give you a lead over other reporters who were busy asking the obvious questions.
Read more: election results, Election, Media, Tips, Election Tips, Media, Election
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