RE: People In Cap-Haitian Threw Stones And Bottles At Michel Martelly

Josephine Napoleon - August 3 2011, 12:11 AM

Its time that we the people of Haitians decendant to start to act like smart people just like (smart phones).

Threwing stones/bottles does not solve anything.

Also, a president should be respected no matter if he's doing a good job or not. We need to start to respect the laws of the land. By the way, if we can't respect God's law where in the world do you think we can even go forward.

Haiti has a lot of problems and it will take more then Michel Martelly and all his antourage, Aristide, and Duvalier to make a dent on that Island call Haiti.

We need Jesus Himself to make his appearance and we all know that He will not step foot on that soil. But I will settle for His presence midd air. I was in Haiti just a month ago and I did not see or feel that our present situation will change.

The people of Haiti been hurt for so long it hard to change their mentality.

The government is corrupt and it would take generations to change them. Its a sad story to absorb, however, it the reality of our country.

I love my country and I wish that I could live in it and have running water, electricity, and telephone access that would not cost a arm in a leg. I experience someone in the government just came on my property and removed my guardian and his family of the property who was living on the land since 2002. Mind you he have a family with him. Haiti is sad, sad, sad and the whole world is watching as well as my God. I wonder what will become of Haiti.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

I supported Martely and I still believe that he can at least do a good job to get us off to a good start.

Will the people of Haiti give him a chance.

Have they ever giving anyone a chance?

I hate to mix politics with religion but they go hand in hand. All it takes to run a country is to have morals, character, love, and a heart of gold and around the world we have fail. How can God create such inteligent humans and we are so stupid at the same time. He created us in His image.

Therefore, we have such potential to make everything just like him, instead we choose to entertain the enenmy.

The enemy will loose this game and very soon. Mark my word!

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