RE: President Michel Martelly Holds Citizenship In Foreign Countries,...

Monel - January 19 2012, 6:48 PM

Mesye nou pa bezwen ap joure konsa, karot la kwit deja. se Martley selman ki ka fe karot la pa separe.

Moise Jean charles twopiti pou li ta paret ak yon dosye konsa.

Dosye sa-a paret depi Martely te finn pomet mesye Clud de Madrid yo la pral pibliye konstitisyon amande-a, apwe sa li tounen sou desizyon li di met gera groug di li pa pibliye konstitisyon sa-a li gen pyeg ladan-l.
Enben Martely pwan nan 3 rwa, yonn nan 3 rwa yo se rwa kite sott. Moise gen anpil bwa deye banann li.Jan Martely gen gro djol, renmen pale anpil, si li kapab se pou li radote sil kapab, mwen mete-l an defi, le seante Bisret ak martely a we longe Lambert ak Club de Madrid.

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Djol mwen pa santi,enbesil,abitan,gwo soulie,vakabon...

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