RE: Jean Claude Duvalier Could Face Up To Five Years In Prison If...

Monel - February 2 2012, 3:57 PM

Mgotcha, congratulation you got faith in Got, but at the same talking keep your dream for yourself if you think they have others people made more crimes than Duvalier "baby doc".I don't have problem with you if you support a worst criminal ever.
If I was in your place, I know a criminal like Jean claude, not only denounce or blablabla for nothing you have to drop a plaint against anybody who made more crimes than "baby doc. otherwise you're wasting the time for nothing.

Stop being " kapon, lach,ti kriye, "do something, don't ask what they gonna do for you.

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Ive dreamed of Haiti once,that was in the 70s mid 80s...

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Zie we bouch pe,im not soft mr Monel,and im not a...

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