RE: Jean-Bertrand Aristide Say I Want To Go Back To Haiti Too - Watch...

Yanick Cadet Desrosiers - January 27 2011, 8:14 PM

It is unbelievable that hiatians still think Prezident Aristide elected by the majority is still being considered involved with drugs can someone out there tell me where his money is hidden.

I have heard the drugs were rampant under Jc this came from a close assossiate I am sick of the so called high class or mulatoes thinking they are better than the rest. Inin America black is black no one gives a dam Whether u speak french Stop badmouthing Aristide he wanted to bring up the lower class if a criminal like jc can go home Aristide can do the same Judge jc at least he will get a fair trial.

Thats more than the people he locked up .He was judge and executioner.

Aristide made mistakes but his heart was in the rt place.

Ask the families of the more than 30000 people killed under the father and the son which of the two should be in Haiti and they will tell you

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this man pay for trust people he shouldn't trust.what...

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Jean-Bertrand Aristide say I want to go back to Haiti too - Watch Video

Here it is my friend, as it was expected, Jean-Bertrand Aristide wands to go back to his country as well. On January 19, 2010, three days after the...

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