Testimonial emails received from current Newsletter Subscribers
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So far, 9 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Testimonial emails received from current Newsletter Subscribers
Mr. Roland De ma part je suis fier de vous, fier de vos travail, merci pour toutes les bonnes informations que vous m'avez envoyees. Continuez ce beau travail, le peuple est a... more »
Were there abuse of power during the Duvalier administration? yes! Was there kidnapping and was Haiti a narco state then no! So as Paul McCartney said there is good and bad in... more »
What you wrote about Toussaint L. Airport is not totally correct. In fact, the airport that was served as a military and a civilian airport is not the same one as the actual one... more »
Bjr mwen kontan pou gro travay nap fe a men depi mois janvier gen yon gro problem kap trakase 9 fanmi nan nip spesyaleman nan kominn miragoane kote yon ki rele Orest Lorthe ki... more »
I want to work for Marriott cap Haitien more »
Do you since 1915 they keep us the way we are,they think we are animals and they keep stealing our things we don't need them because they are doing nothing anyway Remember Haiti... more »
Do you think Jovenel Moise know what the hell he is talking about? Why he didn't negotiate the first time 2 to 5 years TPS,they need us more than we need them because,they... more »
Bonjour Radio Caraib! Il semble que la reflexion d' Arnell Belizaire sur Le senateur Dumont a ete travesti or mal interprete. Il a raison. Dumont est un margouilleur. Allez voir... more »
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