Award Ceremony, Best Performers at Haiti National Carnival 2013

Haitian Minister of Culture, Josette Darguste awarded the winners of National Carnival, 2013 during the award ceremony held at Ibo Lele hotel. The award ceremony was marked by the presence of President Michel Martelly along with Sophia Martelly (his wife), Minister of Tourism, Stéphanie Villedrouin. Various other big-shot personalities were also present at the award ceremony. The three winners of the National Carnival were:


• Anbyans - received the 'Award of originality in the creation'.
• Djakout #1 - received the 'Award of best popular animation'.
• Orchestre Septentrional - received the 'Award of the perfomance'.

The winners were awarded with USD 15,000 check each. The groups Barikad, Zatrap, Team Lobey, T-Micky and T-vice were awarded with medals while Fils, Vorbes and NATCOM were awarded with certificates for the invaluable support they provided to National Carnival Cap-Haitien 2013.

Prior to this award ceremony, Josette Darguste met with the Ministry's decentralized agencies' Director Generals and emphasized on the fact that they all need to work closely with the Ministry of Culture. Plans for future course of action were submitted to the Minister of Culture by the Director Generals 3 months ahead of time.

It was on the same day of the award ceremony that Josette Darguste received a courtesy visit from Ms. Charlotte Miyoko "Leilani" Kaida, Honorary Ambassador of culture of Hawaii. During the visit, the Ambassador expressed his desire to conduct a spiritual concert with President Michel Martelly and Julio Iglesias and that the funds accrued from the concert shall be used to build a cultural center for Haitian children.

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Read more: carnival, T-Micky, Djakout Number 1, Djakout, award, Kanaval, Carnival Music, Josette Darguste, Anbyans, septentrional, Orchestre Septentrional, Barikad, Zatrap, Team Lobey, T-vice, Entertainment

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