Charles Henri Baker met Little Haiti in a Town Hall Meeting
Does that mean that all the other candidates running for the Presidency of Haiti will follow do the same?
Once again the power of the Haitian Diaspora is on display. The importance given by Mr. Charles Henri Baker to the Haitian community living in Little Haiti demonstrates that Haitians are an integral part of Haiti, whether they are living inside or outside of the country. We need to find a way for these politicians not to give us importance only during the campaign season but also when in power.
The event was scheduled for 6:00pm. However, because many of the attendees did not arrive until one hour later, the presentation did not start until 7:30pm. I guess it was on time according based on Haitian time. Charles Henri Baker was present behind the podium at 6:00pm, waiting for enough people to arrive
The Cultural Center in Little Haiti could hold approximately 300 people. By the time the presentation started, it was 80% full.
The presentation started with an introduction of Mr. Bob Lemoine. Mr. Lemoine gave a brief description as to why the audience should vote for Charles Henri Baker. This was followed by Mr. Baker given a brief presentation of his plan for Haiti if elected president.
Mr. Charles Henri Baker had a very good performance presenting his plan to the public. He wanted the audience to know that his plan for Haiti is based on three main sectors which include Education, Health and Agriculture. He took a few moments detailing these three areas. This was immediately followed by inviting the audience to ask questions.
The audience was very involved. The topics in the mind of the audience attending the Town Hall meeting with presidential candidate Charles Henri Baker in Little Haiti evolved around: the Race issue, Haitian Military, Security, energy, the environment, agriculture, education, health, and child trafficking.
I would give this Town Hall meeting by Charles Henri Baker at the Cultural Center in Little Haiti a B+. Mr. Baker gave a very good performance. He answered all the questions asked by the audience with skill and knowledge.
In the part of the Audience in Little Haiti, I gave them a B. There were many good questions asked about topics of great importance to Haiti and the Haitian people. Additionally, the audience showed a high level of discipline, except for one person who wanted to speak and started to shout without a microphone. A few of the participants who took the microphone did not really have important questions for the candidate. It was just a great opportunity for them to identify who they were and get free publicity in a relatively large Haitian audience.
Did you attend the Town Home meeting with Charles Henry baker?
What do you think about the performance of the Candidate?
What do you think about the performance of the audience?
Read more: charles henri baker, little haiti, Candidate, Bob Lemoine, Town Home meeting, Election
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All Comments (8)
I think if M. Manigat gets elected she should chose Chariot Baker as her prime minister.
Then we would be able to say we have a competent team running the country.
Besides, I don't thinkthose two want to be rich on the back of the people like Aristide, Prevalent and their cronies
hell no with those opportunists aristocrats bourgois ...
want the people haitian become slaves in their factory, ,,with no healt insurance ...
with $5.00a day become illl....suffering tuberculoses...
send to home to dye ...
next group ...
next group ...
Charles H.B will be the best president for Haiti.
Ga2 tout kou nou pran poukisa nou pa vle eseye ak yon moun ki konn sa l'ap
I hope Mr baker will visit us in New Jersey, as well Mrs Mirlande Manigat Wishing both luck May the LORD bless
Charliti Bon Bagay
Vote Charlito for the following reasons:
Security in Haiti
Education for the young Haitians who are not going to school presently
Job. With Charlito, there will be more jobs in Haiti in the country side as well as in the cities.
Avek Charlito: Lla paix nan Tet et La Pix nan
This election will see the election of a woman president and not Charles Henri Baker.
I think Chalito can be a good person to work with Mrs. Manigat in the presidency post.
Why do we have so many candidates to begin with?
So many people seem to think only they know what the problems of Haiti are and are the only ones who can solve them.
Charlito se neg pam lan minm. Moin ape vote pou ou net alle. This guy is good. I know if Baker is elected, the criminals in Haiti will have big problems.
I think we should bring capital punishment.
Charlito, Are you for Capital punishment in
Charlito, youare my man. I think if Charles Henri Baker becomes president, he will do a lot of good things for Haiti and the Haitian people.
I heard his plan and like it very much. It is time to finish with electing people who do not have plan for Haiti
He elected Preval who can not even addres the people of his country after a major disaster.
He has no leadership, this guy.
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