Haiti Observer Blog
Michel Stephane Bruno killed by bandit on motorcycle
Michel Stéphane Bruno who was a passionate and brilliant innovator was shot dead on wednesday around 9:25 PM at Puits Blain 17 as he was victim of a bandit attack on motorcycle. Born in Port-au-Prince on May 8, 1974, Michel Stéphane Bruno had worked for more than ten years in the field of technology. He was a leading figure in internet and ICT development in Haiti.
As usual, the Haitian authorities has opened an investigation in an attempt to capture the bandits and bring them to justice.
What do you think?
Amnesty International, Haitians and Dominicans are deported to Haiti
In the recent wave of deportations, the Dominican authorities have manage to deport both Haitians and Dominicans to Haiti. According to Amnesty International, the Dominican Republic has expelled more than 100,000 people to Haiti; many of which being carried out illegally. The agency was able to verify close to 1,600 of those who were deported to Haiti as being entitled to Dominican nationality.
In addition, Amnesty International reported that many of the deportations are carried out without leaving any records. Information gathered suggested that some of these people were arrested in the street and taken straight to the border if they were unable to produce identification documents on the spot. Legal services were not offered to them.
Jocelerme Privert, Message to the Nation at the end of Mandate
For those people who think that Jocelerme Privert is no longer president of Haiti, this message will not be well received. The President of Haiti, Jocelerme Privert, has spoken and it is to remind everyone that stability continues at the level of the executive government. He spoke about the note signed by both Mr. Cholzer Chancy, President of the Chamber of Deputies and Ronald Lareche, Vice-President of the Senate that has created confusion for the public is not the appropriate answer to the current problem. The government is functional. his mandate is to organize elections in Haiti.
$4,5 millions Petrocaribe fund spent on Polaris not delivered
The corruption regarding PetroCaribe fund does not seem to be ending any time soon. More stuff are being discovered each day. The latest discovery is a $4,5 millions dollars spent by the Martelly government to equip Haiti National Police with some Polaris vehicles to facilitate movement. According to Senator Youri Latortue on Radio Scoop FM yesterday, none of the vehiches were deliverd to the PNH. The information was furnished by the actual Policer chief, Mchel Ange Gedeon.
The only Polaris vehicles in possession of the PNH are 20 given by the Canadian Embassy. These fund were released at the time Evans Paul was Prime Minister.
Who is now in charge of Haiti: Privert?, Parliament? Enex? only god knows
The National assembly scheduled for June 14 to decide on the future of the Jocelerme Privert did not take place. Only about 30 Senators and Deputies were present yesterday afternoon. We now have a unique situation in Haiti where nobody knows who is really in charge. Is it the National assembly that is unable to hold a meeting? Is it Jocelerme Privert who's term expired on June 14? is it Vice President Enex Jean-Charles?
The Haitian Parliament has declared now they are in charge of the country. In a note issued on June 14, 2016 by both Mr. Cholzer Chancy, President of the Chamber of Deputies and Ronald Lareche, Vice-President of the Senate, The Haitian Parliament wants to inform the nation that this 14th of June, 2016 brought the end of the 120 days of the mendate for the Provisional President Jocelerme Privert. As a rtesult, the Haitian Parliament is engaged in working with the other powers to find a solution.
FLASH - curfew last night in Haiti due to possible threats
Due to credible information obtained by the Superior Council of the National Police (NUMC) about planning of large-scale acts against the life and property of the population, they have decided to ban all movement of people and vehicles in throughout Haiti from 10:00PM on Monday, June 13 until 5:00 am this Tuesday, June 14, 2016. The only vehicles allowed to travel are ambulances and those assigned to the Police department Nationale d'Haiti (PNH).
People who may be forced to move for medical reasons should contact the National Ambulance Center
FLASH - January - May 2016, 419 people murdered, 33 kidnapped in Haiti
The security continues to be a problem in Haiti. The possibility for one to be either murdered or kidnapped is real. According to the spokesman of the National Police of Haiti, Commissioner Frantz Lerebours, for the first five months in 2016 or between January and May 2016, 419 the PNH has officially recorded a total of 419 people murdered in Haiti. In January, 83 people were killed, in February: 81, March: 107, April: 80 and in May: 68. In addition, Commissioner Frantz Lerebours indicated that 33 cases of kidnapping were reported for the same period. In January, 4 reported cases of kidnapping, February: 14, March: 10, April: 3 and May: 2
Moise Jean-Charles accused Evans Paul in gas stations arson
Moise Jean-Charles holds former Prime Minister Evans Paul responsible for several incidents where several gas stations have been victims of attacks and attempted arson.The leader platform Pitit Dessalines informed the press that he has been trying to contact Evans Paul to ask him to stop these criminal acts, but to no avail. Moise Jean-Charles said that he knows very well what Evans Paul is capable of, consideration his past as former militant Kompe Plim.
What do you think?
Moise Jean-Charles akize Evans Paul nan dife estasyon gaz yo
FLASH - EU-EOM said CIEVE report was manipulated as no massive fraud found
Experts of the Electoral Observation Mission of the European Union stated that the so called massive irregularities and frauds alleged during the last election in Haiti did not materialize. The EU-EOM notes that the report by the the Commission of Verification (CIEVE) did not prove that serious fraud or irregularities took place or had an impact on the results. As a result, there was nothing in the report to trigger a change in the positioning of the main candidates. The Electoral Observation Mission of European Union concluded that the results of the Commission of Verification (CIEVE) has in fact been manipulated.
Travel Alert to Haiti revised by U.S. State Department
According to U.S. State Department, tensions remain high and they remain abreast of the security situation in Haiti during the election period. All "U.S. citizens in Haiti are advised to maintain adequate supplies of food, water, essential medicines, and other supplies that will allow them to shelter in place for at least 72 hours". They pointed to the fact of possible restrictions on traffic circulation, either imposed by the authorities or caused by political rallies that may occur.
The U.S. State Department announced that this revised Travel Alert should be in effect until February 15, 2017 the date the election process is expected to end.
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