Should Jean Bertrand Aristide have been invited to Nelson Mandela's funeral?
Critics have been saying that Michel Martelly missed an opportunity to show union when he decided to attend the Funeral of Nelson Mandela, not inviting former President Jean Bertrand Aristide. Just like Barack Obama did in inviting George W. Buch, just like François Hollande did in inviting Nicolas Sarkozy to go with them, Michel martelly should have done the same.
Aristide te kapab tradi pou prezidan-an
Mwin gin problem ak moun kap pran charge ki pa pou yo. Eske se Aristide ki te di nou li vle ale nan fineray Nelson Mandela?
Considering the condition in which Aristide returned to Haiti after your exile to S. Africa, if you were Jean Bertrand Aristide, would you have gone to South Africa with Michel Martelly even if you were invited?
Konsidere tout problem ke Aristide ape ba Martelly sou terrin-an, se ta yon opotinite pou Mateli retire "Pongongon" sa nan payi-a
Ki moun ki pou di ou ke invitasyon-an pa te fet! Petet Matelly te ofri Aristide pou li ale South Africa avek li e Aristid di li: "Merci, Min Non Merci". Aristide pè pou yo pa ba li "One Way Ticket". Aristide ka panse ke Matelli ap cherche yon facon pou li fè li soti nan payia
Nou sonje coman Amerikin pa te vle Aristide tounin. Ou sonje tout sa Obama te fè pou li pa kite Aristide retounin an Ayite?
Si nou bliye, mwin pa panse aristde bliye
Read more: michel martelly, barack obama, Jean Bertrand Aristide, funeral, South Africa, Nelson Mandela, Newsletter Articles, People
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All Comments (5)
Sispann Di tenten non. Ou panse si te gen manda entènasyonal deyè Titid, Martelly patab gentan bay li deja?
Se devwa Martelly pou l te chwazi yon delagasyon ale avèk li kòm lòt chèf gouvènman oswa prezidan fè l. Pa egzanp, Obama chwazi pou l ale ak Bush, Carter, and Clinton.
Premye minis Canada envite Michaelle Jean pou te ale avèk li. Kidonk, li t ap apwopriye si Martelly te mande Titid pou l ale avèk li vi sa Mandela reprezante...
èske Martelly te envite l?
He did not respect his promise to stay away from...
(il est un agitateur, un faiseur de trouble) what would you expect from the
Se kom Aristide Ta di atasyon pa kapon!
Chat chode nan Dlo cho le l we Dlo fret li
Mon che ki presidan ki ta renmen mache avek embarasman ca. E pi neg sa telman kimbe haine nan ke'l ke'm tap pe ke prezidan monte nan mem avion ave'l.Ou pa jam
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