Superior Council Of Judicial Power Welcomes 9 Members (CSPJ)

Haiti has taken a huge step in boosting its judicial system by installing nine members of the Superior Council of Judicial Power (CSJP). President Michel Martelly's government created the panel in an aim to properly divide the power among the judicial, legislative, and executive branches. The new CSJP is tasked to recruit, train and develop judges and court employees. It is also responsible to conduct investigations on judges and court employees should the need arise.


The following members include Anel Alexis Joseph (President of the Court of Cassation), Antoine Norgaisse (Vice-President and Judge at the Court of Cassation), Thiers Malette (Government Commissioner at the Court of Cassation), Max Elibert (Judge at the Court of Appeals of Les Cayes) and Gustave Pharaon (Dean of the Tribunal of First Instance of Gonaives).

The remaining members are Jean Alix Civil (Government Commissioner of the Court of First Instance of Petit Goave), Dilia Lemaire (Representative of Civil Society), Nehemie Joseph (Representative of the Assembly of Barrister in exercise), and Jean Etienne Mercier (Judge of Peace of Delmas).

The members are officially installed during a ceremony at the School of Magistrates. This development is seen as an initiative to regulate and improve the efficiency of the judiciary in the country. President of the Association of Haitian Magistrate, Durin Duret, said the members were chosen and brought to their positions by national officials. He added that the international community didn't have anything to do with it. Haiti's judicial system has long been receiving criticisms and the formation of the CSPJ panel might really help improve it.

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Read more: CSPJ, Anel Alexis Joseph, Antoine Norgaisse, Thiers Malette, Max Elibert, Gustave Pharaon, Jean Alix Civil, Dilia Lemaire, Nehemie Joseph, Jean Etienne Mercier, CSPJ

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