Swearing of Parliament suspended due to transparency problem by Provisional Electoral Council, CEP
I guess that the swearing of the parliament members that was scheduled for yesterday, April 25, is not to be.
Are we having another recount?
Oh No, we don't need that....
Mr. "Blanc" is once again here to help and to create some discipline here. On the request of president Rene Preval, the Organization of American States (OAS), will take charge of the situation by evaluating what happened and bring some sense into it.
President-elect Michel Martelly has requested the help of the International community as well. He asks that the international community does not recognize the official results published.
What is wrong with these people at the CEP.
Man, I finally get the answer. The problem with the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) is a counting problem. These people just don't know how to add one plus one. Did these people receive any math quiz before they were hires for the job?
If that is not the problem, then we should all sing: "Bare vole, Bare vole...
Are we having another recount?
Read more: CEP Election Results, Paliament, cep
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All Comments (6)
Thanks Robin!No worries, more cnoetnt is coming soon! we are here for that!And your feedback will be always valuable and
People who write for the diaspora should have their writing edited.
You need to know english to write to the public.
It is of very poor taste to be criticizing your own country fellows.
Do you not realize you are not only telling on them but also you are showing just how ignorant you really are. This is not to say that you might have been completely wrong in your
In that case in think is not because they dont know how to add is because they dont care about haitian people the just nagociate at any time and violate the haitian
If it was for me, i would put all the members of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP)in Jail.
However, I am not in power.
Haiti will continue to have these people until some examples are being traced.
One very good example is to put all the members of the CEP on trial for attemps to commit fraud in the 2010 2011 Haiti election.
That would teach so many a
We need a Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) that is not provisional.
Haiti needs a permanent Electoral Council
As long as we continue with these temporary ones, we will find ourselves in the same problem because they will albe controled by the governmnet who put them
Ala on ti pep magouiller?
Haiti will not prosper until we can remove all these bad aples inside of it.
If they stay, thyw will spoil the entire basked
ABA C Provisional Electoral
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