Evans Paul - Haiti Observer Blog

Evans Paul, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Evans Paul


Jack Guy Lafontant called racist for statement about Petion-ville and Kenskoff

Outgoing Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant is being called a racist by former Haiti Prime Minister Evans Paul and Deputy Jerry Tardieu regarding his as they see it, derogatory, inadequate, anti-democratic and racist statements. This took place at the Tribune of the Chamber of Deputies as he was announcing his resignation.

According to Mr. Evans Paul, the resigning Prime Minister stigmatized an entire sector of the Haitian population, namely the people from Pétion-ville or Kenskoff, whom he estimates are not entitled to be involved in politic. The Deputy of Petion-Ville, Jerry Tardieu went even further by calling these statements, discriminatory and racist.

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Jonas Coffy blamed Haiti weak justice system for not having Evans Paul in jail

Mr Jonas Coffy who is the current director of the Ministry Social Affairs in Haiti accused Former Prime Minister Evans Paul as being the one behind the recent increase in insecurity in the Haitian capital. He also accused him of stealing government fund while he was Prime Minister. Mr. Coffy was reacting to recent comments made by Former Prime Minister Evans Paul; specifically his statement: "konpoze or dekonpoze" which many people believe to be coded messages promoting public violence. According to Mr. Coffy, " It's a shame that our Judicial system is so weakened. Was it not the weakness of the Haitian justice, a citizen like Evans Paul would have been behind bars a long time ago"

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Moise Jean-Charles accused Evans Paul in gas stations arson

Moise Jean-Charles holds former Prime Minister Evans Paul responsible for several incidents where several gas stations have been victims of attacks and attempted arson.The leader platform Pitit Dessalines informed the press that he has been trying to contact Evans Paul to ask him to stop these criminal acts, but to no avail. Moise Jean-Charles said that he knows very well what Evans Paul is capable of, consideration his past as former militant Kompe Plim.

What do you think?


Moise Jean-Charles akize Evans Paul nan dife estasyon gaz yo

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Laurent Lamothe, Evans Paul, 13 Ministers hit with travel ban

There is an effort to clean the house and it seems that no one is protected. At least 13 former Ministers have been prohibited from leaving the country. From Former Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe to Evans Paul and to over a douzen former ministers under the government of Michel Martelly, they all have to answer to the court before they can leave Haiti.

Here is the list of former Minister banned:
- Jean François Thomas, Former Environment Minister
- Jacques Rousseau, Minister of Public Works
- Stephanie Balmyr Vildrouin, Ministry of Tourism
- Florence Duperval Guillaume, Minister of Public Health
- Olicier Pieriche, Ministry of Haitians Living the abroad,
- Lener Renaud, Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence
- Yverose Morquette, Women condition
- Jude Hervé Day Trade
- Ariel Henry, ministries of Interior and social Affairs,
- Pierre Richard Casimir of Foreign Affairs and justice
- Rothchild Francis Junior communication.

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Transfer of power between PM Evans Paul and Enex Jean-Charles

New Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles and 15 cabinet members were sworn in on Monday with the objective to get the electoral process going again. Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles was installed by provisional President Jocelerme Privert, followed by some of the cabinet position positions, including Minister of Planning and External Cooperation Avoile Fleurant, Minister of Justice and Public Security Camille Junior Edouard, and Foreign Minister Pierrot Delienne

Some activists were present at the ceremony of transfer of power between Former Prime Minister Evans paul and Enex Jean Charles to show their disatisfaction with the former Prime Minister. They have managed to interrupt the message Evans Paul was delivering. These activists who were demanding for his arrest were faced with later taken out by some agents responsible for the security

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Prime Minister Evans Paul put some conditions for his departure

He may be a Defacto Prime Minister but Evans Paul is not willing to leave his post so easily. Current or former Prime Minister Evans Paul put out some conditions in order to leave the position, saying that he was ready to leave, provided that his successor is legitimate.

What do you think?

Haitian Kreyol:

Li kapab yon Premye Minis defakto men Evans Paul pa t 'vle kite post l' konsa fasilman. Aktyèl oswa ansyen Premye Minis Evans Paul mete deyò kèk kondisyon pou li kite pozisyon an. Li di ke li pare pou kite, depi ke siksesè li lejitim.

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Evans Paul prohibited from entering Prime Minister residence in Bourdon

On Monday, March 7, 2016, Former Prime Minister Evans Paul who thought he could go back to the official residence of the Prime Minister to conduct business as usual after abandoning it following the investiture of Prime Minister Fritz Jean was very surprised. Some agents of the CIMO force were guarding the facility and received order to prevent Evans Paul or any member from his cabinet from entering the premises. Evans Paul who thinks the space is still under his control since there is not yet another Prime Minister wanted to use the official residence of the Prime Minister to meet with his potential successor.

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Evans Paul will not be attending Fritz jean' investiture as new pm

Evans Paul gave a press conference to announce that he will not participate in the investiture of the new PM nominee, fritz Jean because the constitution was not respected in the nomination of the new prime Ministe

He said that his presence at this investiture would be to support this chaotic environment developing in the country

He also wished there is an agreement found between the executive and the legislative branch of government

What do you think?

Haitian Kreyol

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Evans Paul wants Jovenel Moise and Jude Celestin for run off election

According to Prime minister Evans Paul, the accord signed between Jocelerme Privert and Michel Martelly specifically refers to the continuation of the election process and that translates into the organization of the run off election between Jovenel Moise and Jude Celestin. The Prime Minister went on to say that Privert was the principal writer of the agreement which must be strictly respected

What do you think?

Haitian Kreyol:

Evans Paul vle Jovenel Moise ak Jude Celestin pou eleksyon dezyem tou

Dapre Premye minis Evans Paul, akò a ki te siyen ant Jocelerme Privert ak Michel Martelly espesyalman refere a kontinyasyon pwosesis eleksyon an ki tradui nan òganizasyon eleksyon dezyem tou ant Jovenel Moise ak Jude Celestin. Premye Minis la ale pi lwen pou di ke Privert te ekri akò sa ki dwe respekte estrikteman

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We don't need another commission of verification, Evans Paul

Prime Minister Evans Paul is re-positioning himself in the political landscape of Haiti. In an interview he gave to Marie Lucie Bonhomme Opont at radio Vision 2000 this morning, he clearly showed signs of opposition to the actual Provisional President Jocelerme Privert who he is still working for. According to Evans Paul, he is not for another commission to investigate allegations of frauds in the previous election. "If we are going to have a new CEP that is supposed to take into consideration the recommendation of the previous commission, why create an new commission of verification", said Paul

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