Tortug' Air: Haiti's National Flag Carrier
The airline offers local flights to five destinations, which are Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Jeremie, Cap-Haitien, and Port-de-Paix. Not only it services local flights, it also has international ones. Passengers can book air tickets to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, as well as the Bahamas' Nassau, Provo, and Turks and Caicos. It also has charter permits to fly to other Caribbean islands.
Tortug' Air's fleet consists of a Jetstream 32 and a LET 410 UVP-E. Jetstream 32 features pressurized cabin and a maximum cruising speed and altitude of 264 knots and 24000ft, respectively. It can accommodate 19 passengers and 2 crew members. The LET 410 UVP-E, on the other hand, has a maximum cruise speed of 380 km/hr TAS 208 kTAS. Its maximum range is 1,318 km 711 NM, while its cruise altitude is at 4 200 m 13 800 ft.
The airline also has its own website, where passengers can easily book a flight. What's good about this is that passengers can buy a ticket and reserve a seat in just a few clicks, saving them a lot of time and energy.
Read more: port-au-prince, jacmel, Cap-Haitian, Transportation, Turks and Caicos Islands, travel, airline, Jeremie, Bahamas, Tortug'Air, Port-de-Paix, Nassau, Travel and Tourism
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All Comments (2)
Why TortugAir stop travelling to Jeremie We need the air tranpotation to comunicate to the rest of the wold.
Thank you for you attention, hope to have areply
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