January 12's Vatican Message, Haitian Cardinal Chibly Langlois
Haiti is the place where most of the poorest of the poor live in western hemisphere. Many of us do not remember that this is the place in America where the Cross of Jesus Christ was first placed. On 6 December, 1492, Christopher Columbus along with his other European companions when arrived on this island, to bring the land under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church, his first act was to plant a cross on the beach at Môle St. Nichola and establish the first Spanish colony on the island.
It was the beginning of the Church's first pastoral activities in the New World. Haiti is one of the few countries where the relationship between the State and the Catholic Church is regulated under the treaty of 'Concordat' through Vatican as per agreement of 1860. Now with the ascension of Bishop Chibly Langlois, the Catholic Haitians' hope is high on the believe that this will have positive impact and the Catholic Church will strengthen their contribution for better pastoral activities in favor of Haitians especially the poor.
The Catholic Church, with its present 3,000 Priest and religious members, will now have more responsibility to make its contribution further with the new Cardinal in the fields of health, education, community development and infrastructure.
Read more: Earthquake, 2010 Haiti earthquake, Pope, vatican, Pope Francis, Cardinal, Cardinal Langlois Chibly, Chibly Langlois, Newsletter Articles, Religion
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