Energy Saving Tips for this Hot Summer

Summer 2013 could perhaps have some of the highest temperatures ever recorded. For most, this means a higher energy bill.


Conserving on your energy bill will end up saving you big, especially leading up to 2013's summer scorcher.

With A/C:
• Ensure your unit fits snugly in its window and there are no openings for precious cool air to escape. Cool rooms only when they are occupied (same goes for using the lights and appliances) and close off unused sections by shutting doors. This heat boundary can save you up to 20% on your bill. Also, keep your filters clean and service your unit annually.
• Block out the sun by closing curtains or shades. During the hottest parts of the day, the sun's penetrating rays kick a/c units into overdrive. Stave off this effect by blocking some of the light. Investing in trees that will grow to provide shade at easterly and westerly points is a good, long-term idea.

Without A/C:
• Unplug appliances that aren't being used. That red light on your TV, radio, DVD player or cell phone charger (which uses the same amount of energy in use or dormant) sucks power even when you're not looking! Keeping your plugs on one unit means it's easy to unplug whole sections not being used at once.
• Taking cold showers is not just practical in the heat, it is energy efficient too.
• Give your oven a break; they have a tendency to heat up the whole house, which in turn inspires energy usage for cooling down.
• Use energy saving bulbs.
Finally, go out and enjoy the summer at the beach or somewhere cool. Your electricity bill will miss you, but... what to do?

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Read more: Tips, Energy, Summer, Energy Tips, Appliance, Energy Environment

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