RE: Canadian Government Faired Jean-Bertrand Aristide Return After...

Basdos - April 25 2011, 1:43 PM

The Canadian government acted quite appropriately.

That is what you called: policy and contingency measures.

Really, why do you think that Jean Bertrand Aristide went back to Haiti?

Do you have any idea why Aristide in his first comments at the airport said: His party Lavalas has been excluded and that was not acceptable?

Do you have any idea why Aristide was named and continue to be the Director or head of Lavalas for LIFE?

Of course, his return was an attempt to see if suddenly he could muster an immediate gang and the people wanted him to be involved in the last election.

It did not work out. As well, there is the additional issue of Aristide wanted to be in Haiti for the next 5 years, so that he could not be disqualified when time comes for the next presidential elections.

Of course, his argument will be that he was ejected from power and that he is entitled to have all his time effectively as president.

Thus, he can run again.

Finally, there was the additional confusion, with Jean Claude Duvalier back in Haiti, it was certainly the time to make his come back. Essentally, a lot of factors that coincided and provided him to opportunity to return there.

I may ad the fact that president Preval, wanting to create smokescreen for all his "magouille" in fixing the results of the senate and legislative elections found it fit to issue Aristive a Diplomatic passport for his travel to Haiti.

(having failed in his fxing of the presidential elections itself)
Will the people go back to Lavalas party?

I think it was a cry for help from the little people, as Aristide promised them all kind of stuff and they believe him. Aristide, is a very divisive person.

Someone, as a chief of state that promoted crimes and public disorder as against his adversaries.

Of course he stole a lot of money as well. However, in view of his way of thinking and his approach to policy and politics, Aristide would be a good a Tribe leader, but as President, he was worthless, creating division instead of getting people together.

Should Martelly's presidency be a success and that he manages to bring and deliver hope and jobs and building the insfracstructure in the contry for further development, Aristide would become a thing in the past. Although Aristide is the type that could help create a lot of terror type acts, trying to destabilize the country and for him to suddenly appear and claim capable to resolve problems.

Watch out for that.

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