Transforming Route Nationale #1, Port-au-Prince To Cap-Haitian, into Highway
As long as the "plan" is a "multi-year, investment in reality" A plan that incorporates real world design, growth potential, safety, highway education, maintenance, and a real sustainable effort at major infrastructure between the two largest cities, and ports, and soon to be airports.
Should be at a minimum, three lanes each direction, two lanes for vehicular traffic, one dedicated lane for trucks, each way. Full land acquisition for full highway shoulders on each side (break down lanes) that could become future expansion lanes in long term. Forget the speed bumps...install specific signage to educate the Haitian people on how to operate vehicles and that you must pull over into the shoulder/breakdown lane or push yourself into same. No more stopping in middle of road and fixing your axle....roving police patrols to maintain common sense, and speed controls.
So, a real six lane highway, expandable to eight, with dedicated large truck lanes & citizen vehicle lanes, posted & respected speed limits & lane designations...right of ways could be utilized for utility transmission for all, electric, water, sanitary, communications, it right, not the typical Haiti way of past....
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Transforming Route Nationale #1, Port-au-Prince To Cap-Haitian, into Highway
What would you say if I tell you there is a plan to make "Route Nationale #1" safer, more efficient and overall better. While we are fighting among...
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