Evans Paul using bluff as tool against Dominican Government
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So far, 4 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Evans Paul using bluff as tool against Dominican Government
Here is an example of governments,created to serve their people, not complying, only flexing real or non existent political muscle. Who is caring about the almost 1 million now... more »
In the case between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, we Haitians will be at a disadvantage for sometime to come. I will call it total dependence on the Dominicans. There is... more »
For a while now, we have been witnessing a decline in morality at every level in the Haitian society. At the Government level, it is worst to the point of electing what we have... more »
I did not invent this. People who depend on the generosity of others can not be in a position to dictate what they should receive. Also some would say that nothing in life come... more »
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