Dominicans want to talk as product ban could cost them 500 millions a year
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So far, 5 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Dominicans want to talk as product ban could cost them 500 millions a year
depuis on bagaill pas nan interet on moune li pas bon si li interest quelque soit condition li bon more »
Haitian's irrational and foolish behavior knows no bounds. Here we have the poorest nation in the western hemisphere (Haiti) trying to negotiate from a position of power with its... more »
Proposal to expand Dominican export markets The president of the Round Table of Commonwealth Countries in Dominican Republic, Fernando Gonzalez Nicolas, proposed concentrating... more »
The haitian Government has taken to long time to make this decision.Now, they are almost ready to pay the consequences.Bravo, the haitian Gvt did good job. more »
Castillo & DR should be ashamed of themselves. So now that the loss of monies is at stake they want to talk. I'm wondering what are those products? Stand firm Haiti & obey God's... more »
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