
The Health Category addresses all issues related to Health care in Haiti, starting with the availability of medical services for the Haitian population, where people can find health care in Haiti and also how to improve the system

Comfort Gifts for Elderly People

As people age, comfort and safety becomes an over-riding concern in their everyday lives. They have oftentimes developed a medical condition that causes them pain either while performing a task or at rest.

Many people develop sciatica, either of the neck or lower back. Supported posture becomes all-important to manage their condition. Buying items like a cervical pillow or car-seat posture cushions can provide comfort and support.

For people with arthritis or other joint pain, a heat massager or heating pad will ease pain. A device like an ergonomic cushioned pen will ease pressure on wrist and fingers.
Elderly people's circulatory systems may not function as well as it used to. A tendency to remain elderly occurs. Select items such as a down comforter, afghan blanket, or shawl to keep them warm and comfortable.

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How to Avoid Abortion Risks During the Treatment Process

Abortion is a topical issue dominating many social forums these days. This is the case because mainly because it touches on human life and at the same time, there is a controversy on the legality of the practice. Different camps of the discussion have come up with supporting arguments to support their positions.

Whatever the position you may have found yourself in, it is important to realize that abortion is an alternative to birth control and therefore, it carries with it risks, which are controllable. We will discuss these facts in the section that follows shortly.

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Contributory Reasons for Feeling Anger Long after Abortion Has Taken Place

Emotional interruptions are inevitable after undergoing any form of traumatizing experience. Abortion is not an exception and any patient who undergoes the procedure without dealing with emotional maturely will definitely experience emotions of anger long after undertaking the abortion treatment. What causes the anger feeling is a misery t many. The section that follows will try to bring to light the contributory reasons for persons nursing the feelings of anger long after the abortion treatment.

Many persons who undertake abortion might have not reconsidered their decision before settling for the final decision to eliminate the pregnancy. This means that some may have concluded to eliminate the pregnancy due to the rude shock of realizing that they are pregnant. They are scared to the point that they will spend little time to consider the available options. Sometimes, they may be pressured to have the abortion and do not have the time to consider the risks deeply. This realization brings the feeling of anger in that they realize they could have spent little more time to think about abortion before undergoing the procedure.

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What are the Different Categories of Effects of Abortion?

Many persons who have undergone an abortion experience can attest that it is never a good experience at all. In fact, it is a traumatizing experience even if you are undergoing the procedure for the second time or other. This means that the patients have different stories they can narrate if given the chance to do so.

However, is unfortunate that not many of such patients would open up to relay their experiences. It therefore follows that such patients experience different side effects. The section that follows will elaborate the different categories of the effects that patients of abortion would go through.

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Former Haitian Prime Minister Smarck Michel dies at 75 from brain tumor

We just learned that Former Haitian Prime Minister Smarck Michel passed away. According to the family, he died from a brain tumor at the age of 75. He is leaving his wife of 53 years, Victoire Marie-Rose Sterlin, and daughters Patricia and Marjorie Michel. This information was obtained from Washington post.

Smarck Michel became Prime Minister under Jean-Bertrand Aristide. However, he was dismissed following criticism that the government was unable to lower prices for food and other basic goods.

The Haitian former Prime Minister Smarck Michel was born March 29, 1937, in St. Marc. He completed his college education in New York., then returned to Haiti in the 1950s. Michel served as commerce and industry minister in the first government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. He became prime minister of Haiti in 1994, after the restoration of Jean-Bertrand Aristide by the U.S.-led multinational military force. He resigned from his position about one year later.

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What You should Know about Abortion Clinic

Due to the controversy surrounding the issue of abortion, it is not easy to get to the abortion clinics. This is the case because the different camps of the discussion present information that end up confusing the persons seeking the abortion services.

Those in support of the practice would give information on their availability and accessibility but the opposing camp would distort the information to confuse you. Well, if you have considered the abortion decision very seriously and that you are seeking the services, you will find it though in most cases, it may take some time.

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What are the Different Dangers Relating to Herbal Abortion?

It is common to hear of risks associated with abortion. Some of these risks are more severe with abortion procedures taken by traditional medicine persons. Persons who rate themselves as very knowledgeable as far as herbal medicines are concerned may administer herbal medication to aborting patients to expel the growing fetus from the womb. It is unfortunate that many persons have not educated themselves of the dangers associated with abortion using herbal medicine.

This is not to rubber stamp that clinical abortions are 100 % safe. It is taken to mean that the dangers of undertaking an abortion procedure using herbal medicine are higher when compared with those that can plague the patient under the care of a health care professional.

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Useful Medical Abortion Risks

Abortion procedures can get complicated in some cases. This is the case because it carries an element of medical risk. This means that you will need to take some precaution long before the complications worsen. This way, you will ensure to avoid some of the risks associate with procedure. The following tips will help you if you are undertaking an abortion.

It is important to seek the services of a medical practitioner before allowing yourself to undertake this otherwise risky medical procedure. This is the case because some individuals have put adverts on the internet and other banners on other places spreading the gospel that they can provide abortion services. Some of these individuals turns out to be quacks and you do not want to risk you life by seeking services from the. Referrals are actually good if you need to get good lead to getting abortion services.

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Anti-Social Personality Disorder Signs

If parents, teachers, and the community recognize the signs of an anti-social personality disorder appearing in a youth, they can take steps to get help for the individual. Here are twelve common signs to watch out for.

1. They exhibit cruel treatment towards people and pets. Repeatedly harm, threaten, and physically abuse them.

2. They frequently provoke physical altercations.

3. They use harmful or deadly weapons, for example, a baseball bat, rock, razor, knife or firearm.

4. They steal from people directly, for example, pick pocketing, cell phone theft, hold-ups for cash or credit cards.

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Medication and Therapy Best Practices for Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder

Panic attacks and their off-spring, panic disorder, can be both managed and treated.

Treatment for panic attacks or panic disorder falls under three categories: medication, therapy, and health regimen.

Medication options that prescribing physicians use to treat panic attacks or panic disorder include a variety of antidepressants, anti-seizure, anti-anxiety, and heart medications.
The therapy treatment plan most effective uses both cognitive and behavioral approaches. During the first phase of therapy, information about panic attacks and panic disorder and its commonplace occurrence in many people's lives offers reassurance the sufferer is not losing their mind, or is at risk of suffering a heart attack. The second phase introduces behavior modification techniques to overcome negative perceptions about panic attacks and panic disorder.

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