Historical Park Of Fort Jacques and Fort Alexandre Rehabilitated
The two ministries, that is, the Ministry for Culture and the Ministry for Tourism and Creative Industries, have partnered to rehabilitate the historical park. The work is already in progress. The Institute for the Protection of National Heritage (ISPAN) is managing the rehabilitation project of the Fort Jacques and Fort Alexandre Historical Park. The two ministries have taken responsibility for ensuring management, care, and restoration of the historical site.
Another project of rehabilitating and restoring an old school is almost complete. The school was used by the Ministry of Social Affairs for training community members. The plan ahead of completion of restoration of this school is to train managers in different fields of heritage. The managers will be trained on heritage restoration, traditional and modern masonry, and carpentry.
On the same day, the ministers for Tourism and Culture, accompanied by the secretary of state, went to Fermathe Park. The purpose was to assess the renovation required so that the park can become operational as soon as possible before the summer months. This targeted the summer holidays for locals and outsiders to tour the park.
Read more: Fort Jacques, Fort Alexandre, History
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