Lamarre Belizaire wants Jean Bertrand Aristide before him by force if necessary
Bélizaire's determination to complete the investigation has given rise to accusations of bias from the counsel of Jean Bertrand Aristide, who filed a motion to have the judge removed from the case on those grounds. However, in a recent interview with Haitian-Caribbean News Network (HCNN), the judge told the press that, in light of the motion filed against former President Aristide, he had not revoked the warrant.
Adding fuel to the drama, Bélizaire stated he didn't understand the delay of the police in bringing Aristide to him as per the writ of the warrant, as they know where he is located. He made it unequivocally clear that, contrary to the rumor going around, he had not waived the warrant for the ex-president's arrest, and he still expects it to be carried out as it still holds, and he is still the investigating judge on the case.
The subject of the investigation is the accusation of embezzlement perpetrated by Aristide and a number of his former associates through the Aristide for Democracy Foundation as well as other organizations during the years 2001 to 2004. The judge issued a list barring over 30 people, including Aristide, Mirlande Liberus, Jean Nesty Lucien, Yvon Neptine and Gustave Faubert, from leaving the country in anticipation of their being questioned.
Aristide's lawyers continue to push to have Bélizaire recused, and also claim their client didn't receive the summons to court.
Read more: Jean Bertrand Aristide, Lamarre Belizaire, Security Crime Law and Order
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