Pierre Esperance rejects questions on integrity in affair Joseph Lambert and Edo Zenny

As they've made it their mission to question the goings on of any and all individuals, entities or even the government as they relate to issues of human rights and justice, it is a point of irony that the RNDDH, (The National Network for the Defense of Human Rights) has, itself, been called out on the integrity of its dealings in the affair concerning former Senator, Joseph Lambert and current Senator, Edwin Zenny.


The organization had received the official testimony against the senators and the accusation is that the RNDDH has been subjective and have delineated towards a decidedly partisan opinion. The two senators were accused of being directors of the Kakos criminal syndicate. Their accuser, Sherlson Sanon, gave a testimony that was notarized, stating that Zenny and Lambert had issued him orders to commit various crimes including electoral fraud, drug trafficking and murder.

The RNDDH's Executive Director, Pierre Esperance, maintains that he followed protocol in taking the statement of the complainant, stating that he was called upon not to investigate, but to listen to and document the plaintiff's statement.

Esperance describes Sanon as being scared on the day he came into the offices of the RNDDH, though he seemed ready to cooperate with information once his protection was assured. Unable to do more than witness and document his statement, the RNDDH passed it on to the relevant office.

While the organizations hands remained tied on being able to offer Sanon protection, Pierre Esperance has tried to shed light on the accusation, assuring the plaintiff some security, and has also worked to have Judge Maximen Pierre removed from the case on a matter of a conflict of interest.

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Read more: Edwin Zenny, crime, Edo, Drug, RNDDH, Pierre Esperance, Joseph Lambert, Drug Trafficking, Base Kakos, Sherlson Sanon, KAKOS, Maximen Pierre, People

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