Ice Skating at Sylvio Cator Stadium, Haiti on Ice, Figure Skating show
Minister of Tourism, Stephanie Villedrouin, and Acting Minister of Culture, Josette Darguste, have contracted with Super Canal Productions to televise the event in the U.S. In alliance with the Ministries of Tourism and Culture, the government of Haiti (GOH) has made it policy to fund these international events, aware Haiti needs to project a positive image to the world. President Martelly and Prime Minister Lamothe also understand showing Haiti as having the capacity to hold these highly-publicized sporting events will attract convention business as well.
As part of its promotional outreach, the GOH has had "Haiti on Ice" listed in the cultural- events section of the Fifth Summit of Caribbean Heads of State and Government program brochure.
Security for the ice show will be tight, with Haiti's National Police strategically deployed within and without the venue and around its perimeters.
Besides the U.S. nationally televised event, France and Canada also plan to air the two-day ice show with satellite hookups.
Read more: Sport, Ice Skating, Sylvio Cator Stadium, Figure Skating, Sport
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