RE: Jean-Bertrand Aristide Say I Want To Go Back To Haiti Too - Watch...
To be honest with you, he has to excuse Haitian people first before he thinks to come, and you know this guy is worst than Duvalier he and his chimers killed more people in Haiti than Jn Duvalier, we knew that Duvalier was a dictator, but he was undercover, I was in Haiti during his second mandate, there were fears to talk in the streets, they beat and killed the opponents, he wanted to concentrate all the powers in his hands.
He opened widely doors to drugs dealers.
What I said is what I observed, not because I have nothing against him, do you know you what?
If he comes to Haiti now, no one will be able to support him with his millions.
He had everything in his hands, the Haitian people, the international community, if he wanted to do something serious for Haiti, he would do, he made his mistakes, now he has to pay for them.
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Jean-Bertrand Aristide say I want to go back to Haiti too - Watch Video
Here it is my friend, as it was expected, Jean-Bertrand Aristide wands to go back to his country as well. On January 19, 2010, three days after the...
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