RE: Wheat fortification recommended for women and children in Haiti
I totally disagree with providing "fortified wheat and micro-nutrients" to the children of Haiti, and any other poor nations.
As we are all aware, wheat has been genetically modified (GMO), which can cause havoc to the body. Giving our children these substances could be genocide to our nation.
We have to be careful, and be diligent.
We have to know what our Haitian children are being prescribed under the name "humanitarian assistance".
In my opinion, this is a dangerous move on the part of the Haitian government.
The people should be taught the proper way to plant, and encouraged to go back to the old way of farming, stay home in the mountains in order to survive.
The city has nothing to offer but sickness, death and horror.
With home grown fruits, vegetables, and grains, clean water from the rivers and lake, they can survive and thrive.
Shame on the Haitian government which continues to beg for help from nations that do not have
our best interest at heart.
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Wheat fortification recommended for women and children in Haiti
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