RE: How Haiti Can Make Good Use Of All These Former Presidents

Doles - March 25 2011, 7:38 AM

Sometimes you read something and you say to yourself: hmm, this is intriguing! And then after reading more comments, you come to this. What the heck is this person talking about?

I know many of you always think we need to give the world a lesson.

Well, we only did it once and it doesn't appear we'll do it again.

What lesson you think we'll give the world.

For a nation that's been going backward since taking(I didn't say taking lightly here), what lesson are you talking about?

What, you don't think other nations have thought of this?

You think this would be such a spectacular endeavor?

Yes, it would be for us since we hadn't done anything other than killing each other.

However I don't see why we always need to give a lesson to the world.

How about teaching ourselves first?

I'll believe we can give the international community a lesson, whatever that means, when I see we can do ourselves.

Stop with the obsession that we'll always the famous kid in the pack. We're not even a regular participant.

We're only famous because we're always causing trouble, thus the entire world is always having to look upon us. Quit this nonsense, will ya?

Look, even the so called diaspora cannot even organize ourselves to a point where would take us serious.

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This is actually a great opportunity for Haitians to...

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