
Haiti is first in many things. The first independent nation of Latin America and the Caribbean, the first black-led republic in the world, and the second republic in the Americas when it gained independence in 1804 as part of a successful slave revolution lasting nearly a decade

Loan to upgrade Cap Lamandou Waterview Hotel in Jacmel

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund is a nonprofit making organization that was formed after the 2010 earthquake. It was at a time when President Obama requested former presidents Clinton and Bush to organize fundraising for Haiti. It was formed to collect money from well wishers, and the money collected was to be used to reconstruct Haiti by increasing job opportunities and causing economic improvement. With these two opportunities being created Haiti is believed to improve gradually.

Clinton Bush Haiti fund is meeting its role by giving $2.59 million loans to improve four businesses and workforce development programs. The four businesses were Regis College, Cap Lamandou Waterview Hotel, CLYF Quincallerie and SOFIHDES. These will ensure that Haiti will gain stability in its economy.

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Clinton Bush Haiti Fund in Support of Bernard Mevs Hospital

Bernard Mevs Hospital is underway to receive a total of $442,100 dollars benefit, courtesy of Clinton Bush Haiti Fund Grant. This funding is aimed at facilitating educational training seminars for medical professionals and practitioners in Haiti. This announcement comes after the Bernard Mevs Hospital received the state-of-art Medical equipment which has eventually transformed it into the sole well equipped medical facility to handle major surgeries and critical trauma victims.

During a visit to the hospital, Bill Frist, a renowned US surgeon and senator, said that there was great need in holding educational seminars which will enable Haitian medical professionals to handle the new equipment with competence. With the State-of-art equipment acting as the center of attraction, there will be an increased number of competent medical professionals from Bernard Mevs Hospitals as well as other high profile hospitals in Haiti.

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Jerry Tardieu, President of the Council of Economic and Social Development (Finance)

Newly-appointed Prime Minster Laurent Lamothe has been continuing to find ways in providing Haiti and its citizens, as well as its foreign allies, with a more balanced and developed economy, political body, and society. But these efforts seem to lack something in order to provide positive long-term effects in the near future. This is because of the difficulty in harmonizing the different sectors to help the Martelly-Lamothe government's goal.

To solve the differences of the essentials sectors in Haiti, mostly that of the public and the private, Prime Minister Lamothe launched the Council of Economic and Social Development in the 9th of July, 2012. The council is the new "strategy" of the government that will focus on simplifying and assisting the introduction of investments and initiatives, most especially from the private sector, to Haiti and on the government's future plans and projects. Mr. Jerry Tardieu, the CEO of the Royal Oasis Hotel, was assigned by the Prime Minister as the President of the said body while Louis Naud Pierre was given the General Coordinator position.

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Kredi Woz Pou Fanm Lakay Micro-loan micro-finance program

Haitian prime minister has recently officially launched the Haitian "Kredi Woz Pou Fanm Lakay" program. This is a program that translates to Pink Credit for Local Women which is meant to provide small loans for women with small enterprises. His Excellency Mr. Laurent Salvador Lamothe, accompanied by the Minister for Women's Affairs and Women's Rights (MCFDF), Ms. Yanick Mézile traveled to Hinche in the central plateau where they officially opened the program.

Haiti has been a country that has undergone a great deal of hardships over the last couple of decades. These have mainly been problems revolving around the leadership of the country where some of the past leaders have taken their power for granted using it for their own personal gain rather than using it for the welfare of the country. This is not to mention the kind of tragedy the recent 2010 earthquake left in the country.

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Leopard Capital Gives Haiti its First Private Equity Fund

Leopard Capital has inked a deal with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to set up the first private equity fund to re-energize Haitian small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs) wiped out by the 2010 earthquake.

With a goal of securing $40 to $75 million to re-capitalize Haitian businesses, the Leopard Haiti Fund (LHF) has attracted $20 million in funding from three development banks: IFC, LHF's senior partner, has invested $8.5 million; the Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) $8.5 million; and Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) $3.0 million.

LHF will pour financing into four potential-growth areas: food manufacturing, sustainable energy, tourism, and low-income housing. The bulk of LHF's financial resources will help already-open businesses grow by re-capitalizing operations and restoring structural damage. A portion of LHF's investment funds will support SMEs and new businesses.

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Leopard Haiti Fund (LHF), World's First Private Equity Fund in Haiti

Despite the 2010 earthquake which shook Haiti and brought its economy to a major low, the island nation has been recovering and developing in a surprisingly rapid rate. With the efforts of the government, the private sector, and foreign and international institutions, Haiti has been gaining its momentum and is slowly entering the competitive international market.

Haiti is the sole beneficiary of the world's first ever private equity fund established and administered by Leopold Capital, a successful and renowned investment management company based in the United States. The fund known as Leopard Haiti Fund (LHF), aims to raise a staggering 40 to 75 million U.S. dollars for the funding of different businesses in the country. It has recently been able to raise 20 million dollars, thanks to the International Finance Corporation, the Netherlands Development Finance Company, and the Multilateral Investment Fund.

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Mobile Money in Haiti by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a Success

Haiti's aim for socio-economic development has paved way for both local and international bodies and institutions to cooperate in providing the country and its people different means to attain this. Through technology, these entities have found various innovative ways to assist most especially the poor sector of Haitian society. The Mobile Money initiative, which was launched in the country last 2010 by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), continues to offer promising results.

The Haiti Mobile Money Initiative organized by the Gates Foundation has recently reached a five-million worth of transactions. This resulted in Digicel and Voila, two of the country's mobile network companies, sharing an award worth 3.2 million dollars for this milestone, which marks the final award of the initiative's ten-million-dollar incentive fund. The growing success of mobile money assists Haitians with a more practical and easier way through their mobile phones in taking care of monetary transactions as ninety percent of them do not have bank accounts. Aside from the HMMI, the government has launched two projects involving mobile money called "Aba Grangou" and "Ti Manman Cheri". The "Ti Manman Cheri", otherwise known as "Dear Little Mother", aims to help Haitian youth that are facing extreme poverty.

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Micro-Lending Program a First for Businesswomen in Haiti

In the Central Plateau town of Hinche, Prime Minister (PM) Laurent Lamothe and Minister Yanick Mézile of Women's Affairs and Rights (WAR) implemented the micro-lending program, Pink Credit for Local Women (PCLW), which will disburse modest loans to small businesswomen in rural regions of Haiti.

Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe listed the objectives of the micro-lending program: empower women economically, erase the stigma of poverty assigned them, and offer encouragement their lives can be improved.

Government of Haiti (GOH) President Martelly, an advocate of small businesswomen, has spoken out about the effects of micro-lending on struggling, rural female-owned businesses. He emphasizes the financial support given by the micro-lending program will allay many fears women experience in providing for themselves and their families.

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Tcho Tcho Mobile, Haitian banking revolution by Digicel

Tcho Tcho Mobile by Digicel - Haitian Banking

I just learned that Digicel has launched its new mobile phone.

Tcho Tcho mobile is the name of the new mobile phone service introduced to the Haitian population.

This service is expected to make the lives of many Haitians very easy. Soon your new Tcho Tcho Mobile bank will allow you to conduct many banking activities fast, conveniently and safely. the services include: deposits, cash withdrawals and transfers.

All these banking services will be a click away from your cell phone. Tcho Tcho Mobile is intended to provide its services to up to 20,000 users during the initial first three months and will eventually increase its capability to serve the entire Haitian population very shortly.

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