All the information related to the current government of Haiti will be shared here. This is the section for discussion on where our country is going with the leaders
Jules Cantave rejects Danton Leger Nomination to the CSPJ
The President of the Court of Cassation and the Supreme Council of the judiciary (CSPJ), Mr. Jules Cantave, woke up in shock this morning to leearn the nominnation of Government Commissioner Jean Danton Leger at the CSPJ without his knowledge. According to Mr. Leger, he learned the news just like you and me by way of the media.
As a result, Mr. Jules Cantave sent a press release to publicly reject the nomination of Government Commissioner Jean Danton Leger to the CSPJ. He reminds the public the term of a CSPJ memeber is for 3 years and that the members can not be nominated to an other post.
1.5 million Dollars or Wilson Laleau for the release of Eustache St Lot
The president of BMPAD Eustache St Lot should know by now that Minister Wilson Laleau is not a real. Because he did not show up, the president of BMPAD was obligated to spend his entire weekend in Preventive detention. In addition, Minister Laleau doesn't show any sign that he will come to the rescue of his friend. According to an interview with Marie Lucie Bonhomme at Radio Vision 2000, on Monday (May 30, 2016), Government Commissioner Jean Danton Leger is still waiting for Minister Wilson Laleau to confront Eustache St Lot. The two have been contradict each other in recent deposition in the case related to ED'H.
FLASH - Danton Leger appointed to the Superior Council of the Judiciary ( CSPJ)
According to a Presidential Decree dated May 27, 2016, the current Government Commissioner of Port-au-Prince, Jean Danton Leger, has been appointed to the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ)
The CSPJ is a nine member Supreme Council of the Judiciary established in May, 2012 by former President Michel Martelly. The creation of the CSPJ was considered a historic moment in Haiti as many believed at the time it would mark a turning point in providing some independence of the Haitian justice from the executive government.
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IDB asking where did the money given for Caracol road go
Wilson Laleau and Jacques Rousseau will have some explaining to do in regard to money given by the Inter-American Development Bank (BID) for the construction of road to access the Caracol region. After visiting the site of the project, BID had estimated that the project is incomplete, was not managed well and sufficient documentation has not been provided to justify the expenses. So far, the explanation provided by Wilson Laleau is unacceptable and the Inter-American Development Bank is actually asking for reimbursement.
You may also want to know that the firm "Agritans" that belongs to Presidential candidate Jovenel Moise was one of the companies that benefited from this project.
National Assembly session blocked for 10 million Gourdes
National Assembly session that was supposed to take place last Thursday did not happen. Causes: boycott by the majority of senators and representatives over money issue. The decided to boycott the session because 10 million gourdes allocated for communal funds were not included in the amending budget submitted by the Executive. The Parliamentarians threatened not to allow the National Assembly to take place unless the executive includes the 10 million gourdes allocated for communal funds
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Dominican Company disappeared with 10 million to build the Parliament building
This is either a case of ignorance, total incompetence or where several Con Artists get together to defraud the Haitian government. In 2010, the Haitian Government signed a contract with Dominican firm HADOM to build the Haitian Parliament that was destroyed during the 2010 earthquake. The government gave them $10 million US before seeing any result.
The received the first disbursement of over $10 million from the Haitian government to start construction. Since then, they are no where to be found. When UCLPB went to visit the workk site, they concluded it was a waste of money as not much was done for the amount disbursed so far. The new government of Jocelerme Privert and Enex jean-charles has agreed to have another construction to come and finish the job
Privert/ Jean-Charles government increases in size
If you are living in Haiti and looking for a job, I suggest you contact the Haitian government. Unlike any other counties in the world, the Haitian government does not create the environment to facilitate the creation of businesses and jobs to its population. It does it directly by creating jobs for the citizens.
Here is a list of the latest figure in term of job creation by the Haitian government which is a list of 5 Secretary of states, 6 Directors, 4 Deputy Directors General and 15 Vice Delegates nominated by President Jocelerme privert and Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles :
200 Millions gourdes made available to Parliament to keep privert in Power
According to Presidential candidate Moise Jean Charles, the former Justice Miniter under PHTK and current advisor to Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles is the principal actor in a scam to pay some Senators and Deputies in order to keep President Jocelerme Privert in office past the deadline. Former Senator Jean Charles declared to a reporter of Radio Kiskeya that Me Brunache was the one making the 200 millions gourdes available to Parliament.
In any other sociaty, this woud be called bribery; however, not in Haiti. In the Haitian political environment, this is called" Arozaj". Another term frequently used in "Mete Zeb nan bouch". Howe
Judgement of Debet issued to 16 High government officials in Haiti
If you thing the Government Commissioner has a lot in his plate, you have not seen anything yet. Radio kiskeya announced on May 2, 2016 that Judgement of Debet (Arret de Debet) have been issued to 16 former high government officials in Haiti by the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes(CSCCA) for mismanagement of public funds.
These name have not been released yet; however the decision will be made shortly. Once the names are published, it will be the responsibility of the Government Commissioner to follow up with an actual investigation.
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Chamber of Deputies concerned about Privert's intention, will not recess on May 9
A wind of panic and paranoid covers the Haiti Chamber of Deputies as May 9 which is the day they are supposed to go in recess is quickly approaching. There is a rumor that has been circulating among the Deputies that President Jocelerme Privert is planning on taking advantage of the time the Chamber of Deputies goes into recess to get ride of them all together. It is said that President a.i. Privert would not ask them to reconvene.
The Parliament denounced the attempt by President Jocelerme Privert to make the Parliament dysfunctional. To counter any possible trick from the President, and to remain relevant, the Deputies are now working on a resolution declaring a state of permanence until the resolution of the crisis or they decide on the fate of the executive by May 14
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