Louis Noisin, Haitian senator in 1988
As irony would have it, Noisin only served four months on the seat before being himself dismissed amidst the deposing of President Leslie Manigat. It had been speculated that the entire election process had been rigged and a military junta proceeded to unseat the Haitian president and the president of the senate. It had been a bitter pill for Noisin, who said he had been hopeful for a new era for Haiti. Three months following the military coup which unseated him, Noisin left Haiti amidst growing danger.
He went on to teach at the Florida International University as a professor of Caribbean Studies but never let go of his former political zeal. In his words, the Lavalas party was overrun with corruption and his decidedly militant view of the situation had him predicting and advocating invasion as a means for stabilizing the economy during Aristide's time.
As one third of a panel on Revue de la Semaine, a weekly Haitian Television Network of America show, Noisin demonstrated his continued interest in Haiti, even though he'd spent many years living in America. He co-authored the book, 'Plan of Modernization of Haiti' in the face of critics who claimed he'd been a stranger to the country for too long to know what it needs.
Read more: Senator, constitution, Louis Noisin, Florida International University, FIU, Government
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All Comments (1)
Juste une correction de l'original texte:
Avec une bougie, en plein jour, on recherchait l'imperfection; et quand, a force de chercher, on retrouve qu'IL fut un homme, on lui a jete des pierres.
Qui, des lapideurs, ont pu meme essayer d'echouer dans l'enterprise sensible, a juste nature imparfaite, de poser une pierre de construction, quite a la posterite de poursuivre l'erection?
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